Secrets on how to escape any friend zone. | Get a relationship you deserve!

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The pain that comes with rejection can be difficult to forget. However, Jessica shares secrets on how to escape any friend zone you may have been placed in. Do these to secure your rightful place.

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I was in a relationship with a girl when she ghosted me. Instead of freaking out I went no contact. It worked and we reconciled after roughly 7 weeks. Two months later, she told me she was too busy and wanted to be friends. I told her I could not possibly be friends with her and that I had told her that from day one. Then she tried to tell me that she always thought we were just friends. Even though it killed me, I told her goodbye.


Ignore them totally. Focus on something new, productive and more rewarding. Make new friends. If he or she shows new interest, ignore them further.


We've all been in the friend zone before. If you remove yourself at some point in time they will come looking for you


All good point. But sometimes I feel if you are their type they will take you out of the friend zone themselves. I personally never believed in fighting for love. I went straight to where i was accepted and never looked back.


When you are PUT in the friendzone, as opposed to putting yourself there, its because you were utterly unaware of the signals the woman was giving you that she was, in fact, attracted, and you didn't pick up on it. Then again, a woman should REALISE that the majority of men DON'T RECOGNISE ANY signals, and should make it damn obvious she likes him.


The one about pulling back and making yourself less available actually works. I've tried it a few times. It's hard to do, but it gets easier the more you practice it. Just hang tough and be disciplined about saying No and making yourself less available.


"absence makes the heart grow fonder" 🌹
Her choice of words is like fine 🍷❤️


She said *if you're watching this video then you probably been friend zoned* 😂


I am a board certified therapist. The challenge with "escaping the friend zone" is that it is like conducting effective therapy--in other words, you are attempting to create a fundamental shift in a person's deep-seated thoughts and feelings. Just know, trying to do this verbally is destined to fail. In fact, talking will make things much worse. The change cannot happen at the level of the head; rather, it must occur in the heart. First, it's important to understand that the only reason a person might view you as "just a friend" is because they have placed you into that mental category. In order to get them to view you differently, you must provide them with often repeated experiences that powerfully contradict their preconceptions about you. The very tricky part about this is that those experiences must at least feel completely organic, so the person reaches the conclusion on their own that you are actually a very desirable potential mate.


Wise words. Loneliness can have you trying and trying knowing deep inside they're not into you. Save yourself abd move on.


Jessica's voice is so soothing and the accent is everything
Much love


I really enjoyed watching this video! It gives me hope for a successful relationship in the future. I’m 24 years old, still young, and I have autism. I’m on the high functioning part of the spectrum. I’m making an effort to putting myself out there so I can meet lots of people and continue making new friends. I recently joined a group for young adults at a church and I’m really enjoying it. I’ve already made some friends there. But I’m also hoping for more/other opportunities. I’m watching a lot videos on how to get out of the friend zone and I really liked this one as I’m hoping to one day find the right person to be with later on in life. I’m watching these also because I absolutely love myself and want to be successful in life! And I’ll NEVER give up or lose hope because I know there’s someone out there for everyone and everyone deserves true love. And I know someone will love me for who I am. I have absolutely no doubt about it.


The way you have explained the first type of friend zone, that how exactly am going through right.. Thank you, this video has really touched and learnt something from it, ..


Very true 👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾.. great advice... I am rather a straight forward man... straight in 🎯.. dont got time for all this and that... if you my woman then yr word is my command... if you not then, nothing, zero, zip, nada.. ALL OR NOTHING...


She is my favorite Youtube girl. Just so you know everybody!


You've been of help to me 🙂, especially now that I'm fed up in 3yrs friend zone


Never sell yourself short people will take you for granted. Great tips jessica 💝


Some time i tried transforming into someone really cold and distant as soon as i was friendzoned…saw the desperation in her eyes, but she gotta know she cannot underestimate your expectations and still believe she can have the benefits of your affection and attention…

Some of my friends resorted to more chaotic tactics like going out to parties and taking selfies with many female friends hugging and shit…they posted that in Close Friends and the rest was done by the target's best friends…women get really itchy when they get attention from a man they ignore and suddenly that attention is given to another woman…they will say stupid things about the man, blame everything on him and really be moody about the situation…and thats when men should ignore any kind of indirect move from women until they get fed up enough to go straight to the point…


Well spoken Jessica. You are incredibly inspiring.


Herhh this
Especially for females, it's hard for us to take steps further when in that position... thanks for this video Jessy🙏❤️
