Turn-Based Combat in Dreams PS4 - PART 1 (Target Selection)

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Jimmy demonstrates his method for setting up target selection logic for a turn-based combat system in Dreams PS4. The creation featured in this video will be available for remix in Dreams. Search dream shaping for "EDC Turn-Based RPG (WIP)".
Easy Dreams Cult art created by the cultists:
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Intro/Outro Music:
Made in Dreams by ElDavisimo, check out more of his work in Dreams PS4/PS5.
Dreams companion site:
#dreams #madeindreams #easydreamscult #ps4 #rpg #logic
Jimmy demonstrates his method for setting up target selection logic for a turn-based combat system in Dreams PS4. The creation featured in this video will be available for remix in Dreams. Search dream shaping for "EDC Turn-Based RPG (WIP)".
Easy Dreams Cult art created by the cultists:
Buy coffee for the cultists to support their work here and in Dreams:
Intro/Outro Music:
Made in Dreams by ElDavisimo, check out more of his work in Dreams PS4/PS5.
Dreams companion site:
#dreams #madeindreams #easydreamscult #ps4 #rpg #logic
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