Beginner Basic Nunchucks moves - Nunchaku Basics

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Thanks so much for watching! If you enjoy the nunchucks leave me a 👍🏻 reply!


I spent a few years training nunchaku but eventually gave up because of a severe lack of training videos focusing on using them as a weapon so thank you Paul in advance for this series of videos.


I really like this style of practical technique based on stick striking. The left hand is going to take a bit more for me to get proficient. Thank you for the videos! Most helpful and now feel pretty good to use them in a short period of time.


Very helpful and I learning alot from here.
God bless.


Great warmup routine! Five easy techniques that are a great start for whatever is focus of training.


Another GREAT tutorial!!! There was a day when my only instruction came from Bruce Lee, and "Enter the Dragon" and "Game of Death" were the only instructional videos available. You could say that there is a lot you can learn about the application of nunchucks from those movies. And do you know where Bruce got his nunchuck expertise? Answer: Dan Inosanto. Do you know where Dan got it? Dan Inosanto's fighting skills originate in the Philippines and is considered by many to be the go-to guy for Filipino Martial Arts around the world. Dan introduced Kali and Eskrima to Bruce Lee, and because Bruce loved it so much for its practicality and effectiveness, that Bruce is the first one to introduce Kali and Eskrima to the world through his movies, and that includes the deadly application of nunchucks. That is a little trivia for those that are new to Kali and the Filipino Martial Arts, and those that did not know that those movies include Bruce's own theatrical demonstration of Kali. In reality, there is some very real practicality to his exhibition, all of which you learn through the study of Kali and Eskrima. Again, GREAT job on the video.


good instruction on nunchaku-- seems like foreshadowing john wick 4 bc i heard that nunchakus are used in the film


Я применяю ударную технику с нунчаками. Отрабатываю перемещения и удары по деревянным щитам, стволам деревьев или манекену. Удары по воздуху нужны только на начальном этапе обучения. Применяю только несколько основных перехватов. В основном применяю только комбинации разных ударов с перемещением после удара. Желаю всем любителям нунчак успехов в тренировках. Привет из России.


A Good basics a lot of fun doing them again, remembering my left side sucks 🙂


I train outside as much as I can. Only problem is when you train at the parks here, you get someone who wants to challenge you


What is the average beginner weight for the nunchaku? Can heavier versions be used for arm toning and conditioning?


You have some nice skills you go rock on 🤘


Awesome video tutorial🙏🙏🙏thanks so much Paul.


Hello, do you have a video about countering nunchaku, like stick vs chaku?


For the beginners I would recommend to use trainers instead. Otherwise novice can easily hit yourself. Those that you demonstrate are real weapon which should be used by those who know how use them. I have several variations from KarateMart and they are great. So I can also recommend it. I wonder if you can give your insight on sparring between two partners - one having kali stick and one having nunchucks. Who has advantages and disadvantages ...


I really really love this weapon ☯️😍🥷🏾 I carry this Nunchaku daily


I am a senior who learned the Nunchaku in Thailand during the Vienam War. Some of the techniques you teach are good, but there are some that are better. Have learned to turn them over in your hNd while you are using them? I quit working them early in life because they are illegal where I live. So I am reL rusty in y heir use. I am 70 years old. The figure re ight is a very good technique to keep a p your opponent at bay till you can either end the fight or one of the fighters give a up or dies.


Paul out here making me want to live out life like a ninja turtle 🤣


No bro I like where the where my teeth are at I just got these things fixed lololol your techniques are awesome


What country are you watching KALI Center from??
