Was Van About to Beat Raven? Zoids: Chaotic Century

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Before being interrupted by the Death Stinger, we had our final battle between Van and Raven, Blade Liger vs Geno Breaker, which, unfortunately, was never concluded.

But if the battle were to have continued, who would've won? In today's video, I'm going to discuss who I believe would've come out on top, and why.

I hope you all enjoy this little theory video and have a fantastic day.

0:00 Intro
0:45 Examine Van vs Raven (Blade Liger vs Geno Breaker)
2:16 Time for Scaling
2:22 Van vs Reece (Blade Liger vs Geno Saurer)
2:50 Raven vs Hiltz (Geno Breaker vs Death Stinger)
3:02 Van vs Hiltz (Blade Liger vs Death Stinger)
4:06 Raven vs 3 Geno Saurers
4:45 Conclusion and Reasoning
6:48 Fin

#Zoids #Mecha #Anime
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Honestly bro, youre the zoid youtuber ive been waiting for, another dope vid as always!


Dude, Van had the entire Guardian Force Supporting him, Van knew at the end it was the clever way to take Down Raven Finally!!!. They Studied his previos battles and failures and came up with that strategy to take Raven Down.

At that Point i consider Van was about to win. Until Hilltz Said Nop!! Lol

Pd. Lizzy Stomped Ban Badly LOL
That's my Girl!!!!


Yeah if Hiltz wouldn't have interrupted the fight, Van and Company would have won the fight simply because Raven was being stubborn and used up the majority of his good time with Shadow. Also, I know it's never shown or hinted at, but I would like to have seen or at the very least heard in New Century Zero if Van and Raven ever had a rematch and who the victor was in that battle.


You and I would get along great. I'm such a huge fan of classic Zoids too.


I agree with the fight on screen if it continued Van would have won.

Before Zoid Eve Raven had trouble handling the capabilities of the Genobreaker without shadow. He has the better Zoid overall but because of all of it's diverse capabilities it is difficult to use and master.

Van is pushing the limits of the Blade Liger and hitting it's wall. Unlike all of their earlier fights he knows what the Genobreaker can do. He has mastered the full capabilities of his Zoid by this point and in this particular fight has help.

That said these two are equals in skill by this point. In CC Raven was the better pilot. In Van's first win he had the counter zoid and got a quick experience dump which aided his natural skill and aid from Zeke which helped him more than Shadow did Raven. In the second win Van had surprise, some knowledge of the Genosaurer and a bonified miracle. Beginning of Guardian force Raven was likely skill overall better but Van was very close to the same level of skill. When Raven returns we see he honestly has not improved and he honestly continues to not improve just gain further experience with the Genosaurer while not being caught off guard. Then we get the genobreaker and now Raven has not only the better machine but surprise on his side. This is when Van hits his wall in skill and I would argue becomes Ravens equal in pilot ability. We even see this in feats Van pulls around this time such as Van creating a zoid graveyard like Raven had been shown to do multiple times. If they are in the same zoid and get equal time to practice they will be equals.

After Zoid Eve if the two were to fight Raven likely wins as he now has the experience to handle the genobreaker to negate the shadow those timelimit. That said Van understands fighting the Genobreaker to such a level that even with Raven's similar level of knowledge about the Blade Liger he can he can hang to capitalize on any mistake.

Any meaningful updates to the Blade Liger can and would make this fight more of a coin flip.

At this point I would say Raven likely has a 60% chance of winning against Van because of the numerous options avalible to the Genobreaker. It's not higher because the Shield Liger honestly has the tools to either negate or the speed to avoid all of those tools.


It's a though choice, van has been known to pull out victories and do the unexpected in a fight and use his head like the last fight with blade liger vs geno saure, when pushed to a corner but he does allow his emotions to cloud his fighting skills at times causing him to loose. Raven is a far more superior pilot but he's also arrogant and cocky but when someone gets the best of him he gets angry and let's his anger get the best of him and fight reckless, even if it means going to a point of destroying his own zoid like he did to the Saber tooth tiger. To be honest I think the real battle is who has the most patience/tolerance out of the two before one snaps lol. It's though to pick a victor when they both are their own worst enemies lol


The Death Stinger arc was awesome, but Hiltz is still a massive cockblock.

I'd say the Geno Breaker is definitely the strongest of the non-final boss Zoids by a considerable amount. The backup that Van receive from his friends I can see putting him over the edge, but I'm honestly not sure how much he would've been able to do in a one on one fight.


Hey! Where do you watch Zoids: Chaotic Century? I have been searching high and low for a decent stream.


i can see your reasoning but i feel Van is the Obviose one cuz well hello hes the main character. but i want to hear mor on the raven side but just cuz raven is my Fave pilot and Genobreaker is an all-time fave zoid but it be more interesting to see raven get out of this one ether he fights his way out or he uses his head to escape


Loved this! Off of chaotic century what are your thoughts on Stigma Stoller? 🤔


Van only was going to win because Hiltz set Raven up to be defeated he showed Van in different episodes the weaknesses of the Genobreaker so that he would take Raven out which shows how scared Hiltz is of both Van and Raven, Hiltz believed he could set Raven up, than he would defeat Van, he arrogantly assumed he could defeat Van on his own but he was wrong as both are equally as dangerous to him and his plans for destruction


i choose raven, he won many times before, and that lead me to think that he would won against van, once again. but nice analysis.


I love the battle's between raven and van they have the best rivalry in the zoids universe.


What about the part where Reece implied that it was Ambient who helped upgrade the Geno Saurer into the Geno Breaker, when she mentioned that it was Red instead of Shadow's signature color of black? Or the fact it has claws..and do you remember what Ambeint was known for doing to Zoids? (He'd give them claws, spikes, etc) The question then becomes- what exactly happened? Shadow obviously went in there, but if Ambient also played a role, how? It would explain why Geno Breaker puts such a strain on Shadow though.


Van would have won due to the power of anime


Yeah i love Raven probably my fave character in Chaotic century/guardian force but when he gets an OP zoids like Geno breaker he gets cocky and thinks he's God And no one can touch him same happened with Both his Saber tiger and especially Genosaurer. That Taking the hit form Gunsniper i admit was Just Dumb if not stupid on his part


I'd also chalk this one to Van, Raven was running out of time fast. If not a victory for Van, a draw. Both the Geno Breaker and the Blade Liger out of commission.


I think Raven would've finished Van off, personally. At that point he only has him left to deal with, and he knows he's on a clock so he'd have stopped playing around.


Due to Shadows power running low I doubt the final charged particle beam would be strong enough to overcome the blade liger.
Van was able to neutralise the Deathsaurers charged particle beam after all


Do more please. Did you get this idea from tgs anine and his yugioh anime was charater was about to defeat
