✨ my summer goals [2021]

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since I filmed this video I also added 2 more goals!
~ start playing the guitar (learn some chords and try to understand how to read music)
~ learn C++ (programming language)


my goals:
- spend more time on russian
- read more books
- hike up the hill at 5 am and see the sunrise
- see my best friend in my home country
- watch animes & netflix
- heal my relationship w food
- have a better body image
- control my anxious thoughts better
- read the Bible more
- help someone each week (big or small)
- go biking a lot
- do more streching
- run 10 km


Anna talking about the “explorer mindset” and then putting a picture of Dora took me out, I love this girl🤣😭😭


For reading books in a foreign language, I NEVER look up words.... well, almost never. If you feel like you aren't understanding what's going on because you don't know one word, then look it up. But I don't write it down, I just look it up, then keep reading. Because ultimately writing down the words you don't know will slow down the process and you will enjoy the book less. Reading with the audiobook can be helpful as well! For more beginners, the audiobook would definitely be great help to remember pronunciation, but if you are advanced and don't want to, then it's not necessary. Good luck with your goals!


My goals for the summer (8 weeks):
a. exercise every day
b. Go to bed at 10pm.
C. Eat without snacking d. Walk at least 10 thousand per day
e. Complete a subscription to the pool
2. HOBI:
a. I would like to try myself in clay, go to a master class or some kind of course, or just sculpt at home
b. Draw pictures by yourself and by numbers on canvas
c. Read half of the books I have at home
d. Try yourself in cooking and baking cakes and desserts
A. Take a web design course
b. Complete the entire IELTS listening course.
C.Try It Take a job as a barista in a café I like
d. Apply to a medical school and enroll
4. TRAVEL AND RECREATION: a. Have a picnic with the sisters
b. Go to the mountains
c. Live in a tent in the forest in the mountains.
C. Ride horses
d. Go to Izberabash (a city in my republic)
e. Go to St. Petersburg for a week
f. Go to visit the sisters.

I think this is all for the summer


not an expert on this at all lol, but when i read books in another language i usually look up the meaning of the word if i can’t understand it through context, otherwise i just keep reading so as to not stop the flow.. i would only write down recurring words (that i don’t yet know) or particular phrases and idioms! maybe this isn’t the best way to learn new vocab, but i feel like it’s the best way for me to get into the language


I love the fact that everybody is obsessing over Maneskin thanks to Eurovision. I'm Italian and i've been a fan of theirs for four years now and I'm going to their concert too this winter in Milan!


My goals
- Become fluent in English
- Learn Python
- Meditate everyday


the visuals she is serving us are so GAWD


Can't believe she recorded the entire podcast sitting in her bathroom, yuh I'm kinda telling you that I love the podcast & already suggested to all my friends . We are the growing soul! Ily! ❤️✨


I clicked on this video and my reaction was OMGGGG SHE IS SO PRETTY


omg as a spanish speaker i love when you speak in spanish, it literally made my day, you're the cutest


Oh my god I literally started with my Italian course two days ago becAUSE OF MÅNESKIN 😭


My goals:
1. Start YouTube + new ig
2. Make good content
3. Auditions
4. Room decor
5. Start drawing/painting
6. Go to therapy
7. Mental health
8. Clear skin
9. Start journaling/writing
10. Open an writer's page
11. Pro dancer
12. Get my life together.
14. Start Singing
15. Piano


about language learning through reading books: i definitly agree that not looking up every word you don’t know can be quite distracting from the reading practice. usually if it’s not a word crucial for understanding what is being said, i wouldn’t stop and look it up immediately, but instead quickly underline it and go over those pages i read later to filter and eventually filter these words.


8:50 I’m a English learner myself and no matter watching YouTube videos or reading books I don’t usually check every single word that I don’t know every time cause I do this for relax! And if the word is really useful it appears in many where and many times that you’ll probably get the meaning and usage by yourself~
btw love your videos 🤍 they are inspiring and help a lot :D


hot tips for the reading in a foreign language biz (my german class uses this method for our textbook)

1. Do a quick skim of the book highlighting any words you don’t know, put the words onto a set of flash cards/quizlet etc. and learn the words (as you do) to the point where you can recall them immediately.

2. Read book again and it should be easier to understand

I know this takes forever but if you want a deeper level of understanding this shit is it


i feel like learning naturally is the way to go because if you have to note everything you are not going to enjoy the book and get into it, its what i do for books in english (im a native french and dutch speaker)


oh my gosh you look absolutely gorgeous!! the tattoos, the nose ring, the hair, everything !!! you're stunning


omg NOW I GET YOU MÅNESKIN OBSESSION, let's pray they do a london show in the future😭
