Britain's Broken Promises: Escalating Tensions in Palestine #JewishHomeland

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Explore the complex dynamics of the British Mandate in Palestine as Britain struggled to balance the conflicting aspirations of the Zionist movement and the Arab population. This video delves into the pivotal promises that fueled the conflict: the Balfour Declaration of 1917, which supported a Jewish homeland, and the McMahon-Hussein Correspondence, which hinted at Arab independence. These contradictory commitments heightened tensions and undermined Britain's credibility as a neutral party. Learn how Britain's efforts to maintain peace through immigration limits and land policies only deepened the unrest, setting the stage for further violence. Subscribe for more in-depth historical analysis.

#BritishMandate #BalfourDeclaration #PalestineConflict #ArabIndependence #Zionism #MiddleEastHistory #Geopolitics #JewishHomeland #BritishHistory #WorldHistory
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