Home Buying Battle: Can This Couple Find Common Ground? 💔 | For Rent | FULL EPISODE | House to Home

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From long lists of requirements to disagreements between couples, will these renters be able to find the new homes of their dreams? 👀

0:00 From Season 2 Episode 1 "Going Rental": With a rising career in the fashion and cosmetics industry, Brooke is looking for a fabulous dream apartment to match. She’s compiled a long list of requirements...  But without an increase in budget, can she really expect to get that much more for her money?

21:29 From Season 2 Episode 2 "Opposites Attract": After five years of long-distance dating, Elliot and Megan are finally in the same city. And, although they want to move in together, they don’t necessarily agree on what they want. Jodi promises to find them a home that suits... But can they compromise to make it happen?

42:59 From Season 2 Episode 3 "The Verdict is Still Out": Until they find a bright and trendy urban space to call home, Sarah and Jason are crashing on a friend’s futon.  The couple is hoping to find a centrally located loft loaded with character and amenities...  But are they prepared for the hefty price tag that comes with it?

For Rent: From the recent graduate searching for his first-ever bachelor pad to the young couple desperate to leave their roommates behind. Join rental expert and TV personality Jodi Gilmour as she guides desperate but hopeful renters to a home that fits their budget...And then performs magazine-worthy makeover miracles on a dime.

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Рекомендации по теме

Elliott: "And, then I had to help Megan move". What a cry baby. Hope Megan is OK with doing all the compromising. He made sure to get the unit close to his work.


That first apartment she chose is absolutely dreamy!


Sarah did not want that small loft! She didn't like the pipes in the ceiling, she didn't like that it was small. She did what he wanted all the way. The checked out look she had in the choice section and thereafter. It's one of those relationships that she's scared of losing him.


O I miss being that single, young, and ability to have an all white home. Can’t even dream of it with a dog, children, and husband


how can you ask for more for less? spoiled, if someone painted my wood cabinets i’d make pay to restore them


love the black ladder bad to the bone!- I'm buying it !


Love the apartment and her dining chairs


The snippy blone lawyer really wants suburban splendor


Love the second apartment. Also does she really need a car? I mean you can walk, ride an electric bike and rent a car if needed… i mean why live in a city with a car. Doesn’t make sense. ( First one)


Why not just stay in a rental u can afford, where all u furniture fits? And just drive where u want to go, it's not far! I live in Vegas there are a lot of great can live in every great spot.😂


1800 expensive I wonder how old these videos are


The makeover is great! But now she's going to be house poor and won't be able to spend all here going out cash, for dinner, drinks and time w/friends?


Aren't these rentals??? I am assuming any changes have been approved ahead of time by the manager/landlord.
Interesting that the first couple chose the condo downtown by the water as it means she has a very long commute to work. As teaching can be very tiring this could become a real problem - FOR HER. What a whiner - poor, poor man had to help his partner move. Wah, Wah!!!!
Last couple - didn't he say that laundry was in an area that was good for her? Mmmmm??? She kept saying the last one was too small BUT he wanted an authentic loft so they got the very small loft. Interesting???


These episodes are from September 2009


These cute lil girls whobting there manely looking mean girlfrends with them who roll there eyes at jody the whole time are funny no one is trying to take your girlfrend from you jody is just trying to help your girllfrend find a apt so stop rolling your eyes and smile some time leave jody alone
