Exploring Data in R | Useful R Functions to Explore Data in RStudio

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This tutorial provides some useful R functions to explore data. There are various functions for exploratory data analysis in R. Exploring data is the first step before analyzing it in R.
dim function is used to get the dimensions of data set
head function in R is used to get observations in first 6 rows of data
tail function in R is used to get observations in last 6 rows of data
str function in R is used to get the structure of data
names function in R is used to get the names of columns of a data set
View function in R is used to View data like excel spread sheet
$ symbol in R is used to select a column within a data set
class function is used to know the category or type of a variable
unique function in R is used to get all the possible values within a variable
summary function in R is used to get summary of data like mean, median, minimum value and maximum values etc.
describe function in psych package can be used to get summary of data
hist function in r is used to plot a histogram in R

R script / code used in this tutorial

Sheep data used in this video

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#exploringdatainR #datainR #datascience #rprogramming
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Simple, sweet and short ! Thank you so much.
