'If we want people to say 'no more war', we have to show how brutal it is.'

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After the announcement, Berit Reiss-Andersen, Chair of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, was interviewed by journalist Stig Arild Pettersen about the 2018 Nobel Peace Prize.

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I am suffering and Victim. But unfortunately I unable to speaking or telling the Nearest or dearest even World. You are Absolutely right. For "No more War". Long lives with good health. God continue blessings and cares on all of us.


Glad to learn the award went to the Yezidi girl. The suffering of the community & the girl seems been ignored by our conscious world due to politics.


The Peace Meditation Die Friedensmeditation. Old Lyran written as: Salome gam nan ben Urda - gan njber asala Hesporona! pronounced as: Saalome gam naan ben uurda gan njjber asaala hesporoona! English: Peace be on the Earth, and among all created creations! Deutsch: Friede sei auf der Erde, und unter allen Geschöpfen!


I remember the hippy days when the western youth aimlessly were roaming the streets of the world. .Many of them were drawn into Hare Krishna movement started by Srila Prabhupad and found their life's mission. The first few years were very difficult for the movement with a lot of misunderstanding, criticism and derision. But the movement persisted with courage of conviction with the good results of western youths having been weaned away from path of self destruction. Today ISKCON has spreaded all over the world and spreaded the peace and love of mankind on a scale never seen before, irrespective of any religion and brought about a positive culture. The world specially the west and United Nation Organisation must recognize this singular contribution of Srila Prabhupad specially in the background of today's horrific violence by the terror cults all over the world, and honor him suitably. I urge the Nobel Committee to honor him with a Nobel Peace Prize even though late. He deserves to be in the league of Nobel Peace league.
