How To Go From 1200 to 2000…

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I'm slowly teaching my 6yo how to play chess, so far he has beaten the 2 easiest bots and is rated 327 in 10 minute games. I'm excited to see him grow the next year and I hope his interest doesn't fade away.


Instructions unclear, accidentally went from 1200 to 200


This is honestly validating, to be hitting the 900 ceiling after almost a year felt like a failure, but to hear that 2000 SHOULD literally take years is comforting.


Started playing chess/studying it seriously 2 years ago (I was like 800 strength before but I just never liked the game before this) and now I'm 1500 the current trajectory I'm on is like 100 elo every three months


I was 1500 at the start of this year. I've been playing non-stop though and I'm now 35500.


I’ve played chess for about 2.5-3 years, working with a coach for a lot of that time; I started around 900-1000 (I already had some interest and experience in chess), and I’m around 1750 now.


I was 600 in December 2020 and now I am 1600 now


"Or they are from India" thank u Levy❤️❤️❤️


I started chess 500, after 1 year my play improved and reach 550 rating🤣


(From personal experience) I think it is very much possible and doable to get to around 1600-1700 (from scratch) in about 1 year or a bit more than a year, as long as you’re actually interested in chess. If you’re willing to learn a bit of theory and learn from GM games ( e.g. Agadmator, Levy, etc ), 2000 in 2 years is not impossible but it does require natural talent.


I started playing chess in 5th grade, I have no clue what my rating was back then, but I quit after a year of playing it. Now I’m a sophomore in high school, and I just got back into it, going from 750 to 1100 in about two months. I don’t think I will improve this fast forever, I think I am just relearning stuff I already knew, so it’s easier.


Ive been playing for about 3years and am somewhere around 1800, however during the quarantine i would just nolife chess and watch every single daniel naroditsky video from start to finish


For me, I started at 500 in June of 2021 and now I’m 15-1600. If you’re below 1000 you can easily make some growth with just a month or 2! Lets say, 100 elo points a month. However, there’s going to be moments where you stagnate and the higher you get the harder it’s going to be to climb. Like with anything, the better you get at something, the harder it is to get better. If that makes sense m. my goal is to be in the 2000 range in the next 2-3 years, and even that is naively optimistic.


My mom taught me how to play chess when I was 6 but I didn't really study chess until last year when I was already 21. I only ever played it casually before if I just happened to meet someone who knew how to play and there was a board around. If anyone asks I'm not saying I've been playing chess for 14 years that would be embarrassing for my elo.


I have been playing on Lichess for 11 months now. I exclusively play 5+3 time control which suits me fine. My lowest rating was 1086 and highest so far has been 1768. I can beat 1835-40 rated players sometimes and am confident that I can touch 1900 on Lichess in another 3-4 months. I reached this rating mostly because of Aman's video series and some puzzle solving. I have stuck to 2-3 openings as white with no gambits of any kind and hyperspecialization in a single opening as black (namely Pirc defense). Yasser has a great lecture on Pirc defense and just pure experience has paid off. My win ratio is 49%, defeats at 48%, draws at 1% and rest being disconnections. I play in bouts usually as a spacer between work tasks when I switch contexts. And no, I have never cheated. My motivation has almost solely been to help my 7year old get better. He is good at solving puzzles but still lacks the concentration to play super well in actual games.


I'm almost 2000 in 2 years but it was during covid and I literally played over 1000 puzzles and hit a puzzle rating on 3000


When I started chess a year ago I learned everything I know now all by myself. In my first tournament over the board, I got the opportunity to play 4 games during rest time with an FM rated 2100. He won 3 out of 4 games and asked for my rating, I told him my online rating, 1200, and he told me I am easily 1700 FIDE… and I was like, then why am I not that highly rated online ? I m still on that rating, and now I figured my main problem, one move blunders…


Interesting !! now I've got to get to 1200 from 690.


600 in january to 1200 now in September. Thanks to levy and my friends.


I played a LOT from when I was 5-8. I dropped it for sports, but got back into it about 3 years ago. I’m 20 now and I’m rated ~1750. Definitely wish I kept playing when I was younger though.
