Can a person be 100% sure of his or her salvation?

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Is it possible to know with certainty that we are saved? From one of our Ask R.C. events, R.C. Sproul clarifies our Scriptural mandate to pursue assurance of salvation.

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By trusting the Blood of Jesus Christ alone.


I praise God because of Ligonier and RC, what a gift for the Church here in the world.


I don’t know that we ever have “100% assurance”. As a new Christian, we don’t know what to look for, it’s all strange to us. We get conflicting messages from all sides, often from false christians and heretic leaders. Our discernment has not been exercised to strength yet, so we fly along whichever way the wind blows. When we look at the apostate professing church, salvation doesn’t seem such a big thing. If they are saved, well, surely we are? We do have times when our assurance is high, though often this assurance is based on feelings and such. The thing is, if you are truly a child of God, the Spirit is constantly at work in you, and witnesses to your spirit in diverse manners. As you witness more and more the work of the Spirit, as you learn more from the Word, you become more and more settled in your assurance. It would seem to follow, then, that the mature believer is most assured. This is to some extent true, except for one thing. The more one grows in Christ, the closer one becomes to Him in character, the more one sees one’s own crushing need. The more one sees the holiness of God, the more one is chastened by one’s sinful human condition. In short, the more you come to know God, the more you see the awful distance between who He is and who you are. And you realize more and more the immensity of the cross, that it could bridge such a chasm. It’s not so much unbelief in your own salvation, as it is complete, overwhelming, amazement that He would do that for ME. So, as we go along in the Christian life, salvation remains, to some degree, incomprehensible, and so our own membership in the body remains to a degree, incomprehensible.


Yes, most definitely! 'The LORD knoweth them that are His' (2Tim.2:19), which have 'unfeigned faith, and a good conscience, in love out of a pure heart' (1Tim.1:19, 5) and are 'giving all diligence to make their calling and election sure' (2Pet.1:10, 4-8). 'God is true' and His promise is 'sure to all the seed'; 'Therefore it is of faith, that it might be by grace' sure (Rom.4:16, 13) 'through the righteousness of faith', 'who ALSO are walking in the steps of that faith of our father Abraham' (Rom.4:12, 8:1, 10, KJV).
'By a new and living WAY'... 'Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith...without wavering; (for He is faithful that promised)' (Heb.10:20, 22, 23). God grants salvation (Ps.149:4) and gives grace to the humble (Ja.4:6) to 'the sheep hearing His voice' (Jn.10:1-3).


Yes you can be 100 percent sure that you go to Heaven. You have to realize that Salvation is a once done it's done deal.


Sounds like the answer is that it can be a high percentage but not 100%.


1Ti 4:16  Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them: for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee.


"Forgive and You Shall Be Forgiven.".


I know RC sproul has gone to be with the Lord. But I see a problem of not resting on the use of Gods word for an exact answer. A problem I feel a number of preachers have, in these days. Because R.C yet speaks through audios, he was and is not alone with this mistake


So his conclusion is that we can have a high level of certainty, but not 100% certainty. I disagree.
I am 100% certain of my salvation because the Lord Jesus Christ lived the perfectly obedient life that I could never live and paid the penalty for my disobedient life with His bloody death at Calvary. His work is PERFECT and FINISHED, and is credited to my account when I first relied upon this gospel as my only hope. I am sinful, but thank God that I have been given an alien righteousness by the obedience of another!


this man just said having full assurance and resting in Gods promise is a problem 🤣 wow


A false prophet will say you cannot know ... b/c the BIBLE says you can KNOW if you have believed on the only begotten Son of God. Don't depart from the simplicity that is in Christ.


I agree 100%: assurance comes when we have a right and biblical understand of saving faith. READ 1 John for 90 days (nkjv) that you may *KNOW* *1John 2: 3- 6* "The Test of *KNOWING* Him. *3 Now by this we KNOW that we KNOW Him, if we keep His commandments. 4 He who says, “I KNOW Him, ” and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. 5 But whoever keeps His word, truly the love of God is perfected in him. By this we KNOW that we are in Him. 6 He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked* Amen! This is a multifaceted anseer to the question. We must look at the Bible in its entirety so that scripture interprets scripture rightly.


I write these things unto you that believe on The Name of The Son of God that you may know you have eternal life and that you may believe on The Name of The Son of God 1 John 5:13


Wow...You know are in a wrong Church when the Pastor Himself doesn't know that whether he is saved or not


R C Sproul was a deluded soul. We can be sure of our salvation because, "He is faithful that promised." Period. The assurance is based on HIM, not upon us.


from the bottom of my heart, I am convinced that these Calvinist don't understand the bible.
