Brian McLaren: Being Church in the Trump Era (Part 1)

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Did not like the strobe camera work or the hate-filled responses by so-called Christians (hate and Christian are oximorons). But this message is worthy of an intelligent listen. When we think of Donald Trump and his vicious rhetoric we should ask this question: "If Jesus were physically in the same room with our president, how would he respond to that man's words and actions?"


May we seek, hear and follow our only king - the one who serves and heals the outcast, and gives his life to salvage humans from their own self destruction. Brian keep speaking what you see - in a loving and constructive way. Don’t let hateful criticism hurt you or shut you up.


Brian is a prophetic voice of reason on the cutting edge of a religion that has largely lost its way. We need to nurture and pray for such voices.


I wonder if he is just as critical of political figures who claim to be Christians but who support abortion?


Brian - Don't let all the negative comments dissuade you. You are doing Gospel work which often requires courage and sacrifice. And I would question the faith of anyone who would refer to you, a man of faith and integrity, as a clown, liar, nuts, hypocrite, etc. It's clear to me that you are following the Way of Jesus.


Comparing Trump America to Nazi Germany might be a bit of an overstatement...


Although I applaud his attempt to humble right wing brainwashed folks, he's clearly just a left wing version of the same.


Being church in the Trump era? Was it easy to be church before the Trump era? I can believe i once listened and admired this clown.


Even before President Trump, I was having a hard time finding the logic or moral compass for conservative legislative bills and legislation. Then I found George Lakoff was also having difficulty until he worked to find a conservative moral hierarchy, which seems to be consistent with most legislation advocated by conservatives.

So, conservatives are moral beings, it is just that their moral hierarchy is a little different from mine

God has made us a moral people, therefore God (and we’re talking the “do what I say, or else” Old Testament “fire and brimstone” version of God) is above man.

Similarly, man is above nature (which means nature exists to be exploited for profit),

Adults above children (father know best),

Western culture above non-western culture,

America above other nations.

Man above woman (again, father knows best)

Employers above employees,

Whites above non-whites,

Straight people above gay people, &

Conservative Christians above liberal Christians and, of course, non-Christians.

These are, IMO, the values at the core of the conservative belief system. If you accept these are central to conservative thinking, it is easier for you to make sense of conservative conversations and positions on contested legislation.


It has become increasingly difficult to know what is true in politics. Now I vote for the lesser of two evils a, d have to, remain independent. I honestly can see the agenda on both sides. I want to continue identify as myself, the person that I am. Not through any of my beliefs. We have become a world of labels. This categorization highlights our differences and not out commonalities. Black or white. Democrat or Republican. Gay or straight. Where is the love in this. I see no point and refuse to be put in a box. This is the way I try to live and believe me it is often isolating. Our best witness to Christ is kindness and consideration for everyone. Many churches are just as political in both the underlying and their outward messages. I have resorted to being part of an online congregation that shares God’s love and not theology. Remember Jesus said, “if you can’t do all these thing love one another” that’s my goal. To share his love. If you work toward this in you daily life it will become your mindset. The world is hurting, just love it. Thank you for reading.


Nice hit piece bud! You are sinning. Do Not Bear FALSE Witness!


Thanks, Brian. Yes, conservative "Christianity" turns many away, with good reason. But its time is limited. Surely we'll move on. Thanks for being a part of that. I'm astonished so many comments below are of a negative nature. But this is the focus of such people calling themselves Christians who believe in conservative ideology and serve it fully. It has nothing to do with the love of Christ... but this doesn't appear to bother them.


Don't suffer fools like him lightly. We are to pray for our leaders. We need to pray this guy comes to the believing faith in Jesus Christ and get saved.


There must be repentance with forgiveness.


Here is an incredible quote from Johanna Michelsen's video, Testing the spirits. " We are moving on to a one world government; one world ruler - Antichrist; one world religion of panantheistic unity and peace, bound together by an eucumenical, universalist, inter-spiritual philosophy that doesn't see division between anyone. And, all glued together with experience, mystycism and altered states of consciousness. All in the name of tolerance - the political correctness of today.
The Christian of the future will be a Mystic - someone who has experienced something, or it will be nothing at all.". Wow....that really sums it all up.


So what were you saying when Hillary’s husband Bill Clinton president of United States was ‘with’ Monica Lewinsky?


There is some truth to both sides here, but one truth we can't get away from, the republicans had a chance to elect at least a decent human being in the primaries 5 years ago and decided not to, his name John Kasich. All I'm a democrat, I myself votes for least two evils when voting. One of the problems I see are mostly are lousy candidates on both sides ! Are last decent president, John Kennedy or Harry Truman.


This false teacher along with his son, who lives in open rebellion against God, needs to get saved.


This is what results from rejecting salvation thru Jesus and believing its a social gospel. This is "another Jesus" like Paul mentioned.


I agree the church can do much more in addressing the needs of the world in which it finds itself today, and Brian McLaren’s discussion on “spiritual activism” is commendable in helping motivate church members to do their part.  He pleads to church member’s consciences to find deep within themselves the awareness, insight, direction, etc. to become involved in this movement.  What I didn’t see or hear, however, is any reference to the highest source of strength, power and direction of the church that would be needed to pull it off.  There was no mention of God, Jesus or the Holy Spirit in pursuit of this worthy goal.  That makes me wonder if God is leading this movement or man.  I believe anything done by the church or church members should be done under the guidance and leadership of the triune God in accordance to His will.  I also noticed no mention of Bible references of any kind other than a passing statement that the church conducts Bible studies.  This is our guidebook, our user manual, to understanding God and His will- past, present and future.  I would give more credence to the spiritual activism movement if I saw more evidence of God’s involvement, not just man's.
