Earth Just Started Spinning Faster Than Ever Recorded Its Shortest Day@TheCosmosNews

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#thecosmosnews Earth Is Suddenly Spinning Faster. Why Our Planet Just Recorded Its Shortest Day Since Records Began
Earth is actually spinning faster than it used to and recently recorded a time that was the fastest scientists had ever seen.

On 29 June 2022, Earth completed one spin in 1.59 milliseconds less than its usual 24-hour rotation, in turn setting the record for the shortest day – and the latest in a series of speed records for our planet since 2020.

And it came pretty close again more recently, having completed the spin in 1.5 milliseconds shorter than 24 hours.

Scientists began taking accurate daily measurements of the Earth’s rotation in the 1960s, using atomic clocks. These work by using resonance frequencies of atoms to monitor time with extreme precision.

Since then, experts have found that – while there are fluctuations – Earth has been speeding up in recent years, with 2020 seeing 28 shortest days since the 1960s.

The shortest day that year was 19 July, when the Earth span 1.47 milliseconds less than 24 hours.

According to Time and Date, the current downward trend in the length of the shortest day could be linked to Earth’s ‘inner or outer layers, oceans, tides, or even climate’, but scientists remain unsure.

At the forthcoming annual meeting of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, which takes place next week, Leonid Zotov and colleagues Christian Bizouard and Nikolay Sidorenkov will argue that the decrease may be related to the ‘Chandler wobble’, the term given to a small and irregular movement of the geographical poles across the surface of the globe.
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I’ve felt this. The summer months blew by fast. It started getting dark a lot earlier than it should have.


This is a sign of end times it’s God’s mercy!! Glory to God’s Grace!!! Jesus was answering his disciples of end time signs.
Matthew 24:22

And if those days had not been cut short, no human being would be saved. But for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short.
He’s extending time for us sinners we’re in a judgment hour we have to decide between good and evil, God is real I found him about 3 years ago started praying and paying attention, my profile pic is a sign from God, I was in prayer and asked for a sign about something(but didn’t specify what the sign had to be) and walked outside and a white dove got my attention from bathing in a puddle I said either this is a coincidence or could be my sign I honestly didn’t know, so I said Lord I hate to do this but could I get another sign specifically another white dove to confirm the first white dove 🕊 and then later that same evening I got my profile pic, it’s a dove made out of clouds, God Bless Everyone and stay humble and truthful to your testimonies.


Christ Jesus has the answer: Matt 24:22 "And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened." This is before the earth was created. "Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away." Mark 13:31


17 hours ago I had a feeling time was moving faster than it was the week before and now the past 3 days, time has been speeding up and I could feel it. I thought I was losing my mind, thinking it's just one of those days when a day passes by quicker than you can realize until it's morning then you're like, didn't I just go to sleep. I mean seriously I felt the speeding of time how I don't know, but we all can, it's when that moment you feel like huh!? Wasn't it just morning an hour ago, how is it evening so fast. I'm having one of those days, repeatedly for the fourth day now. And thats not normal, normal is when you feel it for just a day, but 4 times in a row four days. Its No joke, the planet is speeding up it's rotational spin. We are in for some weird vivid event soon, soon enough, people will no longer take this planet for granted.


It's already mentioned in Al-Qur'an since 1400 years beloved Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam said there will be a time when years will passed like months, months will passed like weeks, weeks will passed like days and days will passed like hours....


Have you tried turning it on and off again?


I don't think these scientists in this video even really realize how fast Earth is spinning. It's more than a 1. 59 second. Compared to 10 or 15 years ago time is increasingly fast I've noticed especially after 2018. We don't nearly have as many hours in a day like we used to. I believe what was considered 24 hours 15 years ago is now 12 hours in a day. Time is getting shorter just as it says in the Bible in the book of Matthew 24:22.


Mark 13:20 In fact, unless Jehovah had cut short the days, no flesh would be saved. But on account of the chosen ones whom he has chosen, he has cut short the days


No mystery to me. The high altitude ice melt is making the earth spin faster; like a skater spins faster by bringing in the arms. Retired rocket scientist: F. Miller


Unfornutelly Time gone faster then ever, but, Fornutelly We'll have 30 february😅😅😅😅😅


As a science teacher, this is surreal. The sense of time, work, and sleep have been in conflict for the last several weeks for me. 🤫


No lie a few days ago I looked at my phone it said it was the 29th of June …. Then a few days passed and I looked again and it said it was the 29th. I was so confused like wait what…. I felt so disoriented like I felt we were ahead of time


The Hour will not begin until knowledge is taken away, earthquakes increase, time passes quickly, tribulations appear, and there is a lot of haraj, which is killing, killing, and until there will be a lot of wealth among you and it will become abundant.”


You know how a pirouetting ice skater brings in her arms and spins faster?

There are sinkholes that form not just in Florida, but across the globe - particularly in the hot zones near the equator, including under the sea where we don't get to observe them usually. This is partly a result of the gradual slowdown of Earth's rotation - less centrifugal force holding up the crust, the crust collapses in on itself, and that bulge in the Earth's shape changes slightly to more approximate a sphere. Well, when a piece of the crust collapses in, just like the ice skater, Earth temporarily speeds up again. I wouldn't be surprised that once we have enough decades/centuries of data compiled, a pattern will be revealed as to how the Earth's rotation speeds up and slows down over time, with a general overall trend of slowing down. We might be in that phase where the crust is settling in a bit, temporarily speeding things up slightly.

If this is the case, it's nothing to worry about from a nature/natural perspective. We just didn't anticipate this wobble, for lack of a better word, in Earth's rotation when we set up our computer systems. Just like we had to compensate for Y2K, now we need to compensate for this.

Fun stuff.


God so that was the reason I was worried I m unable to recall last week I just remember 2 days so shocked that it was weekend


Does this mean we're going to get older faster 😭


Wait, if the earth is now spinning faster then shouldn't we lose time instead of gaining ? This means the day is now 0.00159 seconds shorter doesn't it ?


Maby we finally killed earth. Way to go


It is one of the sign of day of judgement days will be shorter. We got less time to do more good efforts.


You know I was feeling the same thing it felt shorter not days for me, it felt shorter months for me.
