Here's What Most People Get Wrong About The Bible

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The Bible is a long and controversial book. Actually, it's a long and controversial series of books, each written in diverse settings, varying epochs, and by a host of both known and unknown authors. On top of all that, it's very old, with numerous Old Testament texts having been written hundreds or even thousands of years prior to the birth of Jesus Christ. Furthermore, the books that make up the Bible were only settled upon centuries after the formation of the Church, and different Christian sects still don't agree upon which books should be included. All this creates a situation where misconceptions and disagreements about the Bible abound. Here's what most people get wrong about the Bible.

#Bible #Religion #Christianity

A multilingual book | 0:00
400 years late | 1:12
Two major versions | 2:24
Jesus in the Old Testament | 3:26
Thou shalt not murder | 4:39
'Lord' is ambiguous | 5:32
Not very Philistine, Philistines | 6:43
Probably European | 7:50
King David was real | 8:52
The New, Old, Testament | 10:02
The immaculate annunciation? | 11:02
The three not-kings | 12:12

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What is one thing you wish people would stop getting wrong about the bible?


What always kills me is going into people's houses and seeing a blonde hair blue eyed Jesus I was in the middle east for a long time and never saw anyone that lives there for decades have that kind of western look


Luther did remove books from the Bible.
He almost removed James as well because it didn't go along with his spiritual agenda.


Any Monty Python movie will have a good explanation of religion.


Very well done! You've presented a lot of thoughtful information, and you were respectful of Christ. Keep up the great work.


I learned more in this video than a whole childhood and young adulthood in church


Unfortunately you also got it wrong with David killing Goliath with a slingshot. There is a huge difference between a slingshot and a sling. The former is a toy or implement used to kill small animals like rodents. While the latter is a lethal weapon in the hands of a skillful skirmisher or slinger. A slingshot uses small stones or pebbles as ammo. Slings use rocks weighing 500 grams to one kilo.


I grew up in Baptist and Evangelical churches. Through the actions of individuals (that I knew) who claimed to be Christian and those of much of the Christian community, I have come to the conclusion that most their teachings to be farce. I've always taken exception with the concept that the belief in and adherence to the teachings of the Bible are the only way to "salvation". I often think about cultures throughout the world who live remotely and have no access to the Bible. Were they born to burn? Seems to me that all religion is cultural therefore speculative. I believe that the actions of missionaries have done more harm than good. The phrase"Real men love Jesus" has always bothered me.


One of the more devious moves by the early church was changing the order of the books of the Bible to suit their agenda. The Jewish canon ends with 2 Chronicles after all of the Writings. When the church got hold of it, they ended the Old Testament with Malachi so it would lead into the coming of Jesus by prophetic sayings. How sneaky can you be? Just compare the two.


the Big one is when the new testament was found, and when it was translated, then printed, then re-translated many more times.


I like to watch things over this subject with my husband, (I’ve never read it). He’s read the Bible as someone mastering in the sciences, so he gives an interesting view on it with that education.


It’s truly astounding that people are still obedient to a made up deity that was designed to keep you in your lane. Do people even bother to think about how religion was forced on their culture and what the intent and result of that was? Who’s your master? Do you really need one? THINK.


I'm not religious whatsoever, but these are always my favorite type of videos you make.


Um, Luther didn't remove any books from the Bible. He questioned the worth of some books, including the letter of James, which he called a "book of straw", but he didn't remove it. The removal of the Deuterocanonical books was actually done *later* by Protestant printers. The printer wanted to save money on printing costs and knew their customers weren't interested in these books. That's how we got the Protestant bible how it is today.


Fun fact. Mary Magdalene is never referred to as a prostitute in scripture. Literally all that happens is that Jesus exercises demons from her, she is present at the crucifixion and she is present in some of the stories involving the resurrection. That's it. The common idea of Mary Magdalene we have today is an amalgamation of several Marys. Most notably, Mary of Egypt, a Harlot (the context is that a Harlot is a woman who has sex recreationally, rather than for money) who changed her ways and decided to starve herself in the desert after an invisible force kept her from entering a church in Jerusalem.


In the beginning was The Word, and The Word was God and The Word was with God.


To add about Jesus appearing in the OT: some scholars believe Jesus was the one who appeared to Abraham when he pleaded for Sodom to be saved as well as the one who appeared in the flames with Shadrach Meshech and Abendego


What most get wrong is they think Jesus was a historical person who actually existed


I enjoy your Bible videos; I think they're generally well thought out and respectful. I rarely post comments, but I watch them all and usually skim the comments. I find it fascinating how many people post snarky remarks, calling the Bible "fiction" or "fairy tale." If one believes that, why on Earth would one "waste" the 10 or 15 minutes it takes to watch a video on a subject one thinks is pure fantasy? Just to take potshots at those of us who embrace faith? Sad...


3 gifts were given not necessarily each gift only given by one magi.
