How I Highlight & Annotate in my Bible!

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I hope and pray this video would encourage you to get into the word of God! It WILL change your life :) Maybe how I highlight and annotate my Bible will encourage you to dig a little deeper in your Bible too!
All glory to God!




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I’ll admit having my Bible look like that is my goal, not for aesthetic purposes but because if my Bible is all highlighted, written in etc it means it’s well-read 😁


it’s so rare to see youtubers talk about God, and their love for Him, i enjoy watching your videos because the love you have for God and others, God bless you!:)


"what your bible looks like should not be your goal" loved that as someone who compares myself with the Perfect Instagram bibles


*This is how I highlight throughout:*
Names - purple
Numbers - light green
Places - dark green
Dates/days - yellow
Actions - orange
Prayers - dark blue
God/Jesus/Spirit - turquoise
Sin/Curses - gray
Faith - light blue
Instructions - red
Mercy - pink


*I was on my phone googling something from the Bible and this appears. Plus I was reading and highlighting in my Bible.* 🙏


I’ve been doing this for a long time. My Mom was blind & or family Bible laid on the coffee table but us kids weren’t allowed to bother it. It was too sacred fo little hands. I was youngest of 10. All of my siblings are gone on hopefully to be with the Lord. But Mom was afraid we would Tate the Bible or date we mark in it. About mid 20’s before I began reading it twice, marking as I go. I’m 70 now. Taught by Sunday School teachers. I mark for my friends & grandson’s & children. Hoping it will make them read it more often. My Mom didn’t have anything growing up but she made sure we were in church when church doors opened. We recently went on a cruise & I took a new Bible I’d started marking for 2nd grandson. A 10 day cruise I’d done really well. I said to myself I’m going to be able to give this to My Caleb when I get home. That was day 8. And the Lord spoke to me & said you may be giving that Bible away. I just stuffed it off thinking NO that’s My Caleb’s Bible. I stared at the water, & my daughter came in to join me for lunch. Our server from dinner came up to talk to us as they often do. Telling us his wife is having their 3rd child & it’s a boy, as they have 2 girls already. Then strangely he said are y’all Christians? I said yes. He said I knew it. He thought my husband was wearing a cross necklace, but it was a Navy Anchor. So I said my husband is a Pastor. I knew it he said, excitedly. Then he said I have a Bible & I read it all the time. Then with pointer fingers & thumbs he said, it’s this big. About 3X5. My heart almost stopped, Ah, We said. Ok God I hear You talking to me now. I don’t need a 3rd conformation. But You know this is My Caleb’s Bible. So the last night, it’s so busy, like everybody on the ship is eating in dining area. I say to myself ok God I’m ready for that 3rd conformation. Lol Miss Lord Your People don’t listen to You. If he has time to come & talk to us, I’ll give it to him. Here he comes, so I give him $20.00 for his new baby & he grins & takes it. And I say show Pastor Pop, they call my husband, how big your Bible is. So fingers together. And Pop says really, & I give him the Bible to hand to him. He grabbed that Bible & hugged it & jumped up & down & turned around. I almost cried. Even the couple that sat next to us were amazed, who’s parents were pastors. What a joy we’d have missed if I hadn’t given that young man that Bible. We don’t realize how quickly we can run our & get one. But some folks can’t do that or live in a Country that won’t let them have one. I love marking my Bibles & giving them away. Be Blessed & keep sharing. If you google it there’s 21 Most Effective Prayers of the Bible, there’s a book. God Go With You.


Thank you for influencing me to become closer to God! I grew up christian, going to church, did the whole youth group and youth mission trips. But I was never dedicated and found a real love and appreciation for our Lord. I was in a relationship and he was against religion and would put me down for my beliefs and I suppressed them. I started to notice I was stressed and anxious all of the time and couldn't quite figure out why. I found you and your sisters channel, along with a couple of other Christian influencers and was so inspired. I am now entering week 3 of taking the time out of everyday to have a quiet time, read the Bible, and pray. I have been going to church consistently for about 2 months now and have found a church that I really enjoy! Thank you girls for being a inspiration for me and so many other girls (:


I was actually having a hard time reading my Bible, then I found this video.
I want more of your videos! It keeps drawing me closer to God and loving His word. ❤️ You are such a blessing! ✨


I love your channel girls and these type of videos even more ! You're such an inspiration to me. Please never stop doing what you're doing , us (the audience) and God are so proud of you! Blessings form Argentina 💙


Your Bible is awesome. Looks really use it... Not just for.looks!! Lol. I can't draw but I highlight. You've motivated me to do the OT. Thanks


Well ……….. 5 Yrs To Late For Challenge of Reading Thru The Old Testament.. 😊 - But I Am Doing A Read Thru of The whole Bible. - Awesome Video!!!! Thank U - This Video Really Helped Me


I just bought a physical bible from Walmart recently just in case the bible websites get taken down in the future that we might not know of will happen. I highlighted every piece of advice and reminders that been on my heart since I started in 2014.


I need to get back on the wagon for After going threw hard times month of Finally getting back on the wagon. Crying out to Asking for his help. Threw the holy spirit and attend church do what God wants from me. God big plan for my This came at the right time. God doesn't break his promise so far to me. I love your Keep great work up.


So awesome to see a Bible focused channel! I hope my channel can impact people for Jesus!


I always watch this video when i don’t feel like reading God’s Word. It really helps me to push through and concentrate on what’s truly important.


I’m a stay at home Mom with the desire to begin bible journaling :) loving your videos!


Your zeal for God is beautiful. It's refreshing to see your love for God and makes me wish the young people that I know exhibited the same passion.


So awesome to see a young woman, who loves the Lord so much ! Inspiring and I think it's a great blessing for me ! Praise JESUS CHRIST and His Holy words !


This video increased my faith more than anything. You’re amazing


You are true touch by the Lord, are you going to become a minister some day. I have been watching you video for several hours now and am learning a lot. I have a prayer request. I have never been a big reader, I could read something and five mins later I forget what I have read.please pray as I try to do the father's will I will start to remember
