15 Extremely Dangerous Fish

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Meet the World's Most Dangerous fish from the most venomous, to the most aggressive species equipped with razor sharp teeth. After watching this video, you might think twice before going for your next swim.

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Its sad that people can look up dangerous fish on the internet pick out 15 of them and then make a top 15 with no knowledge of the fish and still get views.


The shark at 6:25 is not a Bull shark, but a Sand tiger shark.


Scorpionfish are not omnivorous. Rays are venomous not poisonous. Alligator Gars resemble alligators... not crocodiles. This list is a joke


Gar is most peaceful fish you can find for their size


I knew most of these from River Monsters with Jeremy Wade


That's a twig catfish. Not a candiru.

Also, the alligator gar portion is completely BS.


I would think the Box Jellyfish would be on here kinda shocked it wasn't to be honest.


I had an alligator gar as a pet for over 10 years....she was BIG, about 6 feet long, and over 200lbs. I had her in a 500 gallon aquarium (it was way too big for my house, but I refused to put such a big animal into a small tank, and so many other people do, I think it’s cruel, if you’re going to keep an animal at least give it enough space to move). She scared the hell out of my friends, but believe it or not she was quite tame for me, I’d even put my hand in the tank and scratch her under her jaw. I think she was quite intelligent, because she’d recognize me as soon as I walked into the room, I know this because she would come to the very front of the glass, and stare at me until I fed her! There are an amazing animal, and while they can be dangerous, they’re actually quite passive, as long as you know how to handle them. I had to clean the tank somehow, so I would slowly introduce my hands into the tank until she knew it was me (apparently they can pick up each individual scent, If she knew it was me, she would demand to be petted, I’m serious, she would swim over to me and sit there and wait for me to stroke her under her jaw). Probably because I had her since she was a baby, we developed a really close bond, well, as close as you can with a fish, but she was more than a fish to me, she was my pet, and believe it or not, my best friend as a kid. My father knows a lot about these fish, so I was in no danger, I knew what and what not to do, It just took a little bit of time for her to trust me, but after that, she was as friendly to me as any dog would be to anyone else. It was just really strange to have such a big fish as your pet, she was the only one in the tank because she will kill anything I put in the tank, and she ate live food, which was something to watch. It’s amazing to watch this huge fish sitting there motionless, and then move with lightning fast speed and swallow a dozen goldfish in one gulp. Most of my friends in school thought I was crazy, I became something of a legend because of her, because the few times I invited my friends over to see her, and nobody would believe I could put my hand in the tank and pet her, when I did, word got around really fast that I was crazy, And that I had a wild monster as a pet, even the high school principal called my parents, convinced that I was in real danger, my dad had to go to the school to talk to the principal and educate him. After she passed away, no we did not eat her as everyone thinks, I buried her in the backyard, what can I say, I became really attached to her, after she died, I didn’t want to replace her, she was a lot of work to take care of, and by that point her species was illegal here in Toronto, so I couldn’t get another one anyways. I still have the aquarium, but instead of one big fish I now have hundreds of tropical fish, there’s just something so relaxing about having a tank.


If 14 resembles a crocodile why the fuck is it called and alligator gar


Alligator gar are native animals in my home state of Texas. I have been swimming along side them, and did not feel threatened at all. They are very skiddish and want nothing to do with you. The only thing that might scare people about them is they are relatively curious animals and will "bump" you if you're floating on the surface just to see what you are.


The alligator gar resembles the alligator (is that what u mean?) and from what I heard from Jeremy Wade on River Monsters learned that those are shy fish and believes that it's name is more scary than its truth, but don't take my word for it seriously. But the alligator gar isn't responsible for any attacks on people plus it's common sense to know that the alligator is more likely to attack people.


Wild: Monster Fish?
>Me: Yeah I'm an monster,
>Friend: Yeah I'm an fish
>Both: LOL


The alligator gar resembles a crocodile.


He seems like he knows bc what he makes 😀 love ur vids


There are also no confirmed attacks by alligator gar because alligators live in the same waters.

You also exaggerated there aggression, go watch the river monsters episode on them or just look up the clip of Jeramy Wade swimming in a tank with them. Spoilers they gar are afraid of him and avoid him


yeah YEAH!! now ya talking Keep 'em coming! great vid, like the longer-than-two-minute runtime...realize it must be a logarithmic increase in work to make bigger vids, but it is appreciated!!


Muskies do not grow to 7 feet long! The current world record is 58 in, so 5 feet. Get your facts right.


I definitely didn't expect to see muskie on this list. Also, the great white in the pic looks like someone tried to do a Joker on him.


Didnt know musky were dangerous. You need to do way better research.


6:25 is a sand tiger shark, not a bull shark
