Rick Steves: World Travel and Social Justice

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The Mandel School hosted world-renowned travel expert Rick Steves, who believes social justice is an integral component of travel. Watch his presentation at our Alumni Reunion on October 17, 2015.
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Hi ! Mr. Rick Steves:
On behalf of Self-Educate, Independent Research on the Whole Health Environment, Interactive Exchangeable Socio-cultural Education, I have visited some nations worldwide. I have just updated my humble knowledge "I have experienced how to deal with Fears to Control Fears, and Make My Dreams Come True while I have been on duty since I was in Vietnam during war."

I have enjoyed many of your Valuable Videos showing on Public Televisions with my warm best regards, thankful respects to you, and your colleagues as well as Public T.V. Stations of the USA.
Again ! In God We Trust. Thank God for Bless all people who are facing Extremely Dangerous Situations while on duty.

Paris August, 2016
Duke Viet Nguyen, Ph.D.
Fulbrighter. USA.


In God We Trust. Thank God for Blessing All US Citizens not only in the USA but also all over the world.
Great grateful thanks for valuable video.You are absolutely right. No where else is better than our homes in the USA.


How rude!!.... All those people arriving late😖


Travel is not political.  Only "one world" propagandists believe so. Let every nation believe and act to their own interests.   Cooperate when it benefits all.  Act alone when it does not.  Let the UN fall into the ash heap of man kinds failures.  Only socialist disagree.
