The Ultimate Grand Canyon Rafting Trip

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Park Junkie joins Jonny Zion and a band of brazen boatmen to explore 280 miles of the Colorado River, right through the heart of Grand Canyon National Park.

The journey took 17 days and provided an intimate introduction to the Grand Canyon’s most remote and rarely explored points of interest.

Water levels were high, as the 22/23 winter was the snowiest on record in many of the mountains whose runoff feed the Colorado, so our crew was blessed with a continuous 18,000 cubic feet per second (cfs) for the canyon’s entire length.

The rapids were big & a few were downright scary. While the canyon allowed safe passage on this voyage, we were not completely spared carnage, as Lava Falls struck with a quick but jarring uppercut that provided enough excitement for the entire journey.

We ran with 7 boats, an 18’ dory & a collection of rafts, all of which were outfitted by Brian Gillespe at Jordan River Boat Works, headquartered in Francis, Utah. Check out his lineup of boats & accessories via his Instagram page: @jordanriverboatworks

Please be aware, public access to the Grand Canyon is currently under threat. Entrenched bureaucrats have teamed up with corporate interests to restrict access to the park’s entire northwestern rim, requiring rec dot gov reservations and permits to enter a remote and rarely visited section of the park known as Toroweap.

Toroweap is a beautiful area, and offers the adventurous traveler the most spectacular of Grand Canyon views. It lies at the end of a 60-mile, one-way dirt road, and receives little traffic.

Concerned citizens can write their elected officials to protest this move, and can use forms I have provided in the links below.

Those who would like to send a message to their elected representatives in the House and the Senate can now visit the Democracy IO link below, which provides a quick, painless method by which you can find and message your reps in a matter of seconds.

Just go to the link below, as well as the Google Doc linked below that, copy the FLREA Letter to Reps in Google Docs, then paste that into the comment section in the Democracy IO link. This takes less than two minutes, and you'll rest well, knowing that you took action to affect change for the benefit of future generations of our people.

Thanks for your efforts.

Thanks for the support, but most importantly, don't forget to support the future generations of our people, who will inherit our great lands. Let's make sure that these lands belong to them, and not a major corporate interest
Рекомендации по теме

Yea, holy cow Todd, you outdid yourself with this video! Best Grand Canyon film I've ever seen with beautiful sights and exciting adventures! Great Job Junkie!!


My mom was a River guide for Can Ex in the late 80s/early 90s. She did countless trips down the Grand Canyon which I heard all about as a kid. Finally when I was 13 she got me down in a trip and it was quite literally the adventure of a lifetime. Even now at almost 47 I still remember almost the entirety of this trip! I remember seeing the big rapids and sitting my butt on the sand refusing to get on the boat, until the coolest guide named Larry chilled me out and I went for it. I will remember this trip for the rest of my life and recommend everyone put it on their bucket list!


This is easily one of the best outdoor adventure vlogs I've ever seen. Deserves an actual premiere in theater. What a journey!


this is definitely the most best documentary of the grand canyon i’ve ever seen. nice work guys


Hello Park Junkie. Well this was certainly worth the wait. Stellar job by all and the post production, and camera work was some of the best I've ever seen. I'm glad it all went well for all of you. Oh, and thanks for that Park Junkie moment, because "it's always something." Lol.


We’re so glad to see you posting a video. We were getting concerned that something had happened to you. Keep the faith, baby!!


I so enjoyed this! I was lucky enough to float the canyon in 1988. It was absolutely wonderful!! This brought back some wonderful memories! Thank you so much for sharing it with us. 35 years ago… I’m sure things have changed somewhat but WOW! A trip if a lifetime!!


Wow, will someone give PJ an award, any will do! “Ultimate Grand Canyon Rafting” is other level outdoor-adventure videos. Great editing, wonderful commentary, cute/novel segments (lil’ rafter), and perfect soundtrack! Fun!


AWSOME ! Through you I take all the hikes & boat trips. Thank You ! 👍👍👍😊


Wow, this is as if I'm there with you guys!!!! You captured it all. I was fortunate enough to visit the Grand Canyon on April 22, 2023 southside it was on my bucket list to do it when I turned 66 and drive the route 66 with two friends of mine which also turned 66. Watching this was the icing on the cake. Thank you for recording your adventure. As it was a great adventure to Amazing


DUDE! Where you been hiding lately? Missed seeing you around.
I absolutely love the GC! I consider it my "spiritual place". I feel a deep connection to the GC. Most people have no idea what the GC is like. One has to hike the trails, ride the Colorado River, smell the air, or sit on a rock and be at peace with yourself and the canyon.


Todd, Hands Down BEST VIDEO by you! Incredible detail on every aspect especially the side trips. Johnny and you in the same boat made it an epic voyage. 😎 Thks for the hard work putting this Vid together. Loved it!


Again, another fantastic video and adventure. You do an incredible job in taking us along!


Great adventure Park Junkie. One thing about you is that you always surprise, whether it's quality, the message, or the adventure itself. Your really doin it! <3<3


Wow- my favorite part was the patio! I'm sitting here with a broken ankle at home trying not to look as you guys are scrambling around on the wet rocks, lol. Thank you so much for taking us on this adventure! Johnny Zion is a champ for sure.


Hey, Park Junkie! 👋 I finally found some time to sit and watch! What a fantastic trip! The video shows so much beauty, and the fun and wild trip really shows. I absolutely loved watching 👀 Thanks for sharing this wonderful trip with all of us 😊 The food they prepared for you all looked amazing 👏 😀


The music was perfectly timed for the exhilarating rapids and the slow river moments. Beautiful rocks, beautiful skies.


Beautiful, Amazing and Wild 🤟😂, , , what a trip!
Really enjoyed every minute 👍🏻


Did a Grand Canyon river rafting trip with a company called AZRA. Was just a spectacular adventure. Crystal and Lava falls were really monstrous that July 38 years ago. Swam up to Moonie Falls. Stood under the water fall. Swam back to the Colorado river. Experiences of a lifetime for sure. This is a great video. Thanks.


Watching from Georgia USA & was absolutely thrilled with the gorgeous scenery of the GC & you guys working your way thru those rapids! FABULOUS video Man--Thx!😊
