Nobody's in the Wrong Body | with Erin Brewer

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When everyone is walking on eggshells it's an act of bravery to stand up straight.


Erin is one tough lady. You know that because her suffering stopped with her. She didn't set herself to unleashing it on others. We're lucky to have her.


I’m glad you touched on parts of the LGB wanting to separate. As a quiet introvert bisexual, I’ve always had a small amount of comfort from belonging to a community that previously just seemed to be about love and inclusion. More recently it hasn’t felt like that. It has felt political and divisive.
Some within this community would now call me transphobic or a terf for not being attracted to trans people, or for questioning why someone who isn’t a biological woman is allowed entry to a space reserved exclusively for women.
As someone who has gone through life just accepting people for who they are and judging their actions instead of sexuality, race, etc, it makes me feel like I can’t belong to the LGBT community anymore because some would consider my opinions ‘phobic’ when in reality they aren’t.


This woman makes so many important, valid and intelligent points, I wouldn't even know where to begin. What a great interview.


The goal is not to help kids. The goal is to transition them before they know themselves better, all in furtherance of a political agenda.


Thank you Benjamin....I'm a huge fan of Erin...she's a brave woman.


Erin, you are a warm, loving and kind woman. Those qualities shine through and meld into trustworthiness. And your elementary school teacher and school counsellor played a major roll in your well being. . I wish there were more people like them in our schools.

Trans Affirmation is a soul crusher.


ive said it many times, it doesn't make sense to affirm what at the end of the day is delusion. we dont do it with other disorders. we dont tell people suffer with schizophrenia that their delusions are well founded and reasonable.


dysmorphia really is actually disassociation - that makes so much sense


I always suspected that sexual abuse, at a young or very young age, is the cause of gender dysphoria. This on the basis that I myself disidentified with a major part of my personality, on the basis of trauma. How can we support this lady.


I really respect Erin's work. She went through hell and came out on the other side determined to help the most vulnerable and voiceless.


I'm surprised I can be 6th three hours after this was put up and that it doesn't have more views. This subject is so important. PS, Erin has a beautiful smile and laugh!


Today's kids are going to be tomorrow's medical messes.


Talk therapy that is open minded (meaning, the therapist is not decided about whether a patient is trans or not) and works with the inner conflicts, traumas and pain the person has, is not, and by definition cannot be, conversion therapy. But that takes for a therapist to be truly open minded about the personal development of their patient with the only goal being psychological well-being.


“If there’s a man that self identifies as a woman and he’s ignoring our concerns, basically what he’s doing is saying, ‘your consent doesn’t matter, ’ and that makes him a predator. It is that act of appropriating our spaces when we’re saying ‘no’ that suggests that they are predatory in nature. And just because some women say ‘yes’ doesn’t take away my consent.”


Erin you are a delight. This was a fascinating conversation and you seem to have an excellent eye for what's happening here. When the two of you were speaking about MPD and dissociation I couldn't help but think about how it seems like gender dysphoria is simply the new presentation of the same phenomenon in young girls - of escaping sexual (or other) trauma by becoming someone else. Even though I wasn't traumatized in such an extreme way, I remember leaning deeply into the masculine at a young age once I "developed" faster than the other girls and endured the accompanying harassment. Of course adults can behave and present as they please but informing children that they can adapt their physicality in order to change how people perceive them (and associated stereotypes) is dangerous. After all, it's way too easy to get obsessed with how others perceive us, and not at all constructive to keep changing every aspect of your being until it aligns the most (or least) with a stereotype.


I went through similar things as Erin and I'm so happy to hear her speak up about her journey and the craziness of the world.


Hit the nail on the head with sexual trauma. I didn't have gender dysphoria, but I do have dissociation, CPTSD etc, and I did have a hatred and disgust with my own genitals. To the point where I would get infections, and avoided intimacy and sex for many years. Then I started to work with the shame around my body and sexual trauma and things immediately got better in every single way. I always wondered that with a lot of gender dysphoria how many of those suffering from it were abused as children. I already know a couple of transgender folk who were abused. This is JUST speculation. But I do believe it is worth considering with every case.


Women know that they will most likely not be able to fight off a man. This is why women are naturally more on guard especially when alone or in vulnerable situations, even if statistically instances of violence are relatively rare. No one wants to be fearful, but fear actually helps people, both men and women, protect themselves.


Benjamin, his is the kind of woman you need in your life, someone upbeat, gentle, kind and smart. She brought a happy smile to your face.
