One-piece forging helmet. How to make armour

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This is the full version without voice acting and music

I live in Ukraine. Surely you know that the war has come to us. I'm lucky. I am relatively safe and I have both electricity and the Internet. So I can make videos. Our entire knight movement is now actively opposing rascism. Someone from the first days of the war is already in the military, someone is engaged in volunteering to cover the needs of the military or civilians in trouble.

With my creativity, I plan to collect donations to help my friends. Many I know personally. Therefore, I leave my details for those who wish to help.

I have several channels on YouTube:

Live channel. There are simple videos about the life in the workshop. A day's work is one video. English subtitles

Світ Армору. Production of armor with Ukrainian voiceover. Production, shooting, editing and voiceover take around 2-6 weeks.

Art of Armor. ArmorySmith. Dubbing of the main content into English. Production of armor.

ArmorySmith. How to make armor. This is the version of the video that I edit before the voiceover and music are added. At this stage, I shorten and discard some moments of work.

World of armor. ArmorSmith. A channel with reviews of armor and historical facts and tiktok shorts. Old videos are in russian, new ones will be in Ukrainian. English subtitles are available.

ArmorSmith music. Slava Perepel. The music I create for my videos.
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I am a sheet metal worker. I did my apprenticeship with two German brothers and finished my last year with a Hungarian coppersmith. I have set more rivets than I can count. You have impressed me. I understand every hammer strike and can feel my arm screaming with every stroke. You do wonderful work. Truly you are an artist.


I'm glad you show the normal cutting and grinding process at least a few times; wouldn't want anyone to know you're actually a wizard


If it requires this amount of skill and dedication now, even with all these modern tools, imagine back in the day how painstaking it must have been. It’s amazing to me they created things to that level. Phenomenal job!


I don’t even know much about smithing but I know your dwarven ancestors would be proud.


The sheer amount of work that went into making this one part of a medieval suit of armour is staggering. When you consider that blacksmiths in medieval times didn’t have access to power tools or gas torches or electric furnaces or even high speed steel cutting tools, it makes you realise why such armour was so incredibly expensive and reserved only for wealthy noblemen.


Imagine how difficult it would have been for the original blacksmith to make this without all the modern equipment and decent editing software!😊


I love the editing where you flick the spaces into the hinges and slap the shape into the helmet, simply snap off the pieces you need with your hands and will the helmet into existence. Excellent Craftsmanship, entertaining and very instructive. Thank you.


Pretending to treat the drill and grinder as a punch or chisel tonsuggest the process that went on behind the scenes is honestly a brilliant shorthand


You really do have to love this guys use of tooling. Very skilled tool maker AND smith!


There was a guy from Mississippi who bought a chainsaw because he heard that he could cut 4 cords of wood a day. But no matter how hard he tried, he could never cut more than 3 1/2 cords of wood. So, he took it back to the dealer and explained the problem.
Dealer put it on a bench and pulled the cord. Chainsaw started right up, Rrrmmm. rrrmmmm.

Mississippi Man goes, "What's that noise!"


Knifemaker here. Decent one, I would say with all modesty, but I bow to your ability to shape metal by your wish. Relaxing to watch. True master of the craft.


Why is this guy actually hilarious too, you get to be a sick armorsmith AND have good comedic timing in ur editing? Complete with unexpected visual puns?

Not fair

I gotta lock in fr lmao


The amount of work, not just in the armor but the video editing itself, put into this 32 minute video is awesome. One of the best "artisanal" videos I've seen in a long time.


Not only are you a hell of a blacksmith, but you’re a pretty awesome editor as well. For a minute or so I was just about convinced that you have super hands. Awesome video and end product.


I Just love the sheer amount of different Curved Jings And Thingamabobs He pulls out for every specific purpose.


Imagine the skill it took to do this using just a blacksmiths forge and anvil like they did hundreds of years ago...still even with modern tools and methods it's a pure feat of skill ...loved this process and finished helmet.


im a gold and silver smith. over many years i was only working as a goldsmith cause nowerdays nobody is asking for a silversmith.... thanks for remining me on how great it is to make something huge and complex out of a flat thing ! i'll start silversmithing again (and the neighbours will hate it 😂).



I love your editing style. No frills, and flicking away the bits you've already demonstrated to cut the video down to a reasonable length is great.


Really impressive! In the Middle Ages you would have been the star among armor smiths. In addition to your excellent skills as a blacksmith, there is also your high level of creativity and humor in the videos. The camera technology with great close-ups and the great editing technique do the rest. It's great fun to watch you work.


Very good work
You and the remaining few who forge armour had a lot to live up to with the skill of late medieval armourers and you would have made those armourers proud
