10 Most Beautiful Endangered Animals on Planet Earth

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It’s sad to say that many of the beautiful creatures you know may not be in the near future. What the hard truth we don’t like to admit is human activities are one of the causes that lead endangerment of many species. Here the list of 10 most beautiful endangered animals.
Blue Whale
Blue whale is the largest known species even lived on Earth. A fully grown blue whale measure around 30 meters in length and up to 200 tons in weight. Unfortunately, this magnificent species is at risk of extinction
Once, Antarctic region alone had a population of hundred thousands of blue whales. Whaling has caused a massive decline in their population globally. In 1986, the commercial whaling was banned. But, blue whales still facing the risk of extinction.
Blue whales can be found in all oceans except Arctic. Most time they found alone or in small groups. Don’t be confused by their name, blue whales are not true blue, but a blue-grey body with white underparts.Each day, a blue whale consumes up to 4 tons of krills.
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