NEVER underestimate the intelligence of a crow 🐦‍⬛🧠 #shorts #crow #conservation #mayahiga #twitch

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YT Shorts Editor: Max Jr
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Flying set of pliers does sound mighty useful.


"Intelligence of a 2- or 3-yr-old, except they can fly and have a pliers for a face." The nightmare of everyone who has ever taken care of a child! 😂😱


She wasn't attacking the Mailman, she was previously trained to contact people about their extended warraties.


we should make machines that accept trash and reward with bird food


I once saw a crow use a fast food soda lid, as a sled.. it was sliding off the roof of a Taco Bell I worked at launching off the roof and then flying before it hit the ground. Most amazing part to me was how quickly it found its snowboard. Didn’t matter if it was on the ground, in the bush, it had a checklist, ground first, then bush, then the roof if need be. I watched it my whole break do this. 30 minutes or an hour I can’t remember


God I love crows. There's one I named Timothy by my work, and as of August, it's been a year of him coming to see me on my lunch break on the roof patio. He's very punctual, he usually is there waiting for me, and if my break time gets changed, he quickly learns the new schedule. Usually it's just him, but sometimes he brings a friend, and occasionally his whole murder. They love unsalted almonds and peanuts, blueberries, peanut butter, and raw oats. When I bring overnight oats for myself, I pack a little container of oats and blueberries and it's like we're eating the same thing lol

I think we've bonded and he's not just there for food, because after he's done eating he sits with me until I go back inside, and he will sometimes come to say hi when I'm waiting for the bus. I have so many pics of him!

Edit: Omg I had no idea so many people would read my lil story 🥹 I'll post a video of him!


I dunno I've met crows that could EASILY outsmart a toddler.


I had a pet crow as a kid.
He came to our house one day just sitting in our garden and my mom made him some apple slices and put down a tiny bowl of water.
He came back daily untill he was so comfortable with us that he would follow us inside the house.
Sleeping on the chair or even our shoulders was daily normality❤.
When we would leave for shopping in the village he would follow us from the air going tree to tree to also land on our shoulder.
It is one of my loveliest memories as a child


Crows are super smart and can be very friendly. I have one in my neighborhood that I "sing" to when I'm outside and it follows me on my walks. I didn't realize it was the same one at first, but it started molting or something so its got funny feathers sticking up on its head. I see that he flies from pole, to rooftop, keeping watch over me. He's even called me over in parking lots to try to share things with me that he found. He showed me some change someone dropped on the ground the other day, it was so sweet. I feel like I've got a friend everywhere I go now! <3


There's an area in Japan where crows eat these native nuts but the nuts are hard to crack, so they learned that if they dropped them on the road, the cars would crack the nuts for them. Then after a couple birds died, they learned that if they dropped the nuts at a stop light, the cars would stop long enough for them to swoop down and get the nuts. While that's amazing, to me it's amazing that the bird who discovered this communicated it to the other birds.


"Pliers for a face" is such an intense image


They're very acrobatic also, I've seen them spinning on a power line like it was a swing set 😂


Something that has lived rent free in my head for years is that I once watch a crow peck at a wadded up McDonalds bag for over 15 minutes. It was finally able to tear the bag open, and one of those overcooked, bottom of the bag fries came flying out. What should have been the moment of victor for this crow was quickly ruined when a seagull that had been watching this entire ordeal swooped down, snatched the fry, and flew away. I never knew crows could be so expressive before. For all the world, its body language was saying "Are you f***ing kidding me?"

Ever since, I've wanted to give french fry to a crow. I've yet to have the opportunity.


I love crows and ravens, i admire their problem solving skills and adaptability


My question is... Wtf did the mailman do to the crow? Crows tend to leave people only but will DEFINITELY hold a grudge against people.


I love crows so much they’re so pretty and smart


I work in a restaurant and trained the crows out back to bring me shiny things for food. Only 2 of them caught on, or wanted to idk, and they mostly bring like shiny rocks and bottle caps/can tabs. Every once in a while i get a nice ring or a necklace, though, probably from the tourist spot beach nearby


A family of these birds are way smarter than a 2-3 year old. I watched a mother scold her young over not watching for cars while trying to eat road kill. It’s amazing how they all found positions to watch their young eating from the trees


Crows are likely one of the best wild animals to make friends with.... why? cuz 1 crow tells another crow your cool.... they tell more crows your cool.... eventually you got an entire mob of crows watching your back no mater where you go


Crows protect their own; crows know how to have fun; crows can view humans as friends and companions just as much as humans think of crows as friends/companions.

I LOVE how gentle Asa is with her birdie feet. Whenever she flies up to a safe/friendly human, she'll arrest her speed very carefully with her wings and with even more careful precision, she'll land on the soft exposed human's arm.
