Index And Match -11 - With Max Formula Lookup The Highest Value (English)

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June 2020 and this still works with Excel 2016, I've looked everywhere for a solution to my problem. Thank you.


hi.. thanks can you please tell if 99 both or more Store 3 and 4 and store 5 How Can I show only store 4 or show both store in same cell address.


If I have 99 both Store 3 and 4 How Can I show only store 4 or show both store in same cell address.


omg, FINALLY!! i had to give a like for this


Can someone please help me, I can’t figure out a solution to this. I need to create a top 10 list without having to pivot or update any formulas; I need this to be as automated as possible so that whenever I download new data I automatically receive the top 10 list. I will give you an example I have 5 columns: Column 1) is product and there are 4 products however I only want to look through 3 of the 4 products in the data. Column 2) is name, there are multiple names and duplicate names as there are many transactions so I would need the formula to add the matching names together to see which are the largest. Column 3) is Sales. Column 4) is whether this is national or international sale, I need to create a formula for both and one for international only. Column 5) will be whether its dollars or pounds.  So to sum it up I need to return the top 10 clients by filtering out 3 of the 4 products. I am currently using an Index Match Large formula however it looks through all 4 products instead of just 3. I tried using sumifs however I am not sure how to combine them into the index match large formula and every time I do I receive N/A. If anyone can help I would really appreciate it.


For your example, what is the best way to identify the row & column of the absolute highest value of the entire table?


what if I want to find the highest selling product in a store?


It will not work if two stores has highest sell
