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It's the phrase that's been making the rounds across the UK television industry, SURVIVE TO 2025...
What does this phrase mean? Are the production companies, the indies, the broadcasters, are they all at risk of sinking under before the year is out...?


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They should just commission YouTubers to produce shows, Sick and tired of every single show hosted by the same seven or so comedians. They took over game shows from the public, and now they're doing everything else.


If 2024 is being a insane year imagine 2025


The good stuff is just so thinly spread across so many platforms and it’s easy to miss a great show as it’s tucked away on some random streaming platform that you don’t happen to subscribe to. The market is so oversaturated with channels. Word of mouth about a great show just seems to have lost.
The big beasts, like BBC, ITV & C4 could use their archives, create a ‘classic’ slot in prime time.


If the BBC, ITV, Channel 4 and Channel 5 can make it to 2025, that’s honestly a tiny miracle in my opinion. Also, (a bit off topic) I miss ITV’s regional structure.


The way Thames Television imploded after it lost the itv London Daytime franchise in 1993, wasn’t a good thing of UK Television. They were unlucky they didn’t stay within its plc ownership for long afterwards. It’s Fremantle ownership probably didn’t do it any favours as it probably had the potential to have bought out another itv region or two at the time a get itself back into the network proper. Euston Films was a side gig of scaled back Thames in the end. Obviously Carlton with the big venture capital money were after central television Thames network access partner after 1993, which probably didn’t help things. Unfortunately Channel 5 was a long way off in 1997 plus it’s reach wasn’t great then due to limited coverage areas then.


I feel like the BBC, ITV, Channel 4 and Channel 5 need to start airing blocks of programmes and films. Like how back in the 90s, BBC did a documentary on Anime and showed Akira also ITV with their Star Wars/Harry Potter/James Bond marathons. Especially round certain holidays like Halloween or Christmas/New Year. I know everything is available to watch now, especially on streaming but I think people would prefer watching TV if said channels pulled their finger out their backsides.


Adam, i watch your channel more than bbc, itv and c 4 and definitely five. a very select handful of shiws you tube is the future ....that and my dvds and ogysucal mefia im just obsessed .... Everything is so so saturated right now and so much out there that it all feels the weakest scope of entertainment at all....its genuinely fkushed out to "pretty good" is the new exceptional ...its bizarre the future will be very interesting to see how it goes ....


About John McVay's comment about Channel 4 still going to commission Gogglebox - considering the key element of Gogglebox was families passing comments and criticism about TV programmes at home - what on earth will they be watching to criticise on?!? 🤨 Will the Siddiquis end up remarking on YouTube videos? 🤦


I dont feel too sorry for Beeb and others, as lets face it - Tv staff have been enjoying the gravy train of large volumes of cash to present shows, so no wonder there is less money if some feeds of cash are lowering to commission, but the private side could easily put funds back into the BBC - license fee side by cutting talent costs and do the same across the industry and reality of what talent is truly worth, as no one really thinks 6 figures sal for Match of the Day, News, Docs is in anyway value for money.


Too many streaming services, too many worthless TV channels. Less IS more.


Who know what it is going to be like in terms of TV. Maybe the one issue is that are too many streaming platforms now and that causing some of the issues here in the UK and there being too much competition to the point that people have enough of trying to watch everything that is new on there. Also the fact that the major broadcasters maybe should go back to producing in house lime the BBC and ITV, and maybe for Channel 4, start become producers of their own shows instead of relying on outside producers as it always has.


at this rate im gonna just code a tv channel that i can watch and it's gonna be for the micro:bit
if you want to see it, i won't know how, so just tell me a way that i can upload the file


funny videos i’m learning stuff on the Channel😊


Thirteen Reasons Why was good if upsetting


Hi Adam Martin doctor who on laserdisc and betamax
