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I really like the new RYZE DJI TELLO mini drone. The best features are that it is massively stable in flight when flying indoors, it has a good battery flight time, it has a nice image stabilized camera for photos and it is constructed well. Unfortunately there are problems with the TELLO APP and the 720P Video signal to name a few. But since it is new on the market many of these issues should be fixed in future software and firmware updates.

As of 13 March 2018, if you wish a GAME CONTROLLER to fly the Tello, you need the GAMSIR T1D. Apparently as of 13 March 2018, that product has not yet been launched. Once launched it will be on the DJI website available for purchase.

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Pretty late in the game of drones...I bought my Tello last month. I did one update since then. I flew my Tello outside last night in very low light condition and it was very stable and did not drift at all. I love this little fellow because it helps me learn how to fly and become better for me to fly my Mavic 2 Zoom! Thanks for the review. It helped me decide to buy it.


I Showed This To My Parents And They Agreed To Buy Me One 😁 IM SO EXITED😊😊😊😊


Yet another quality review from everyone's favourite, Captain Drone!


I have the Tello and it is still amazing in 2021 for such a small drone. I can take it pretty much anywhere. If I could do an upgrade to the Tello it would definitely be the camera. If it could have a small gimbal camera. It would be absolutely awesome.


Just got the Tello yesterday. Works well, no issues. It is well supported for iPad 4.


You were doing great honest reviews in 2018 as well. You make me wanna buy just about everything you review.


Thank you for the review! My brother just got into flying drones so I wanted to join in. This was the cheapest drone on the store he was on. This review is just what I need. Thank you!


I have a Tello. It's basically an Upgraded version of an economy $30 entry level drones. Thus, basically one of those $30 drones with a $50 add on feature of the stability sensor. (So to speak) I just made a video review of my Tello vs a $30 Syma Sky Phantom from Costco.


Your videos are always in such exceptional quality I can actually see a hair stuck in one of your motors


You are the most honest YouTuber for tech review


Thanks so much for the review. I am thinking a buying the drone as a gift for someone and I needed to make an informed choice. I thoroughly enjoyed this video.


I bought one of these a few weeks ago and it's a great little drone. Something I'd like to add is that it seems to be very water resistant. I decided to try to get some pictures of a nearby waterfall since we had just gotten some heavy rain. The rain had slowed to a drizzle. I was using my galaxy s9 as the controller. As I was flying some water was dripping out of the trees and landed on my phone. As ya'll may know, when your phone gets wet it goes haywire with the touchscreen input. Long story short the decrease elevation control got stuck and it crashed into the creek at the base of the waterfall. I figured that it was toast and was about to walk away since I'd have to climb on some wet and slippery rocks to get to where it went down. I changed my mind since I didn't want to leave it the water to possibly pollute the stream if the battery were to rupture so I carefully climbed up to where I thought it was. I didn't see it so I watched the video I was recording to get an estimate of where it landed. I looked around and spotted it upside down in about a foot of turbulent water. I found a small tree branch and fished it out of the creek. To my surprise the led was flashing on the front. I took the battery out and climbed back down to a safe spot. I shook the water out and put the battery back in and started it up. It flew but the camera was soaked. After leaving it on the dashboard of my van with the defrost drying it out for a 45 minute drive I tried it again and it was working like a champ with good picture quality. It sat upside down under water for around 15 minutes and survived. This seems to be a tough little drone.


I just got this drone love all the flight features it has very impressed how powerful it is and camera quality definitely good better then some knock off drones I’ve used


Hey Captain drone can you do a review on the dji tello it's been 3 or 4 years since you did a review on that drone, and it has a boost combo version of it on sale right now, and I would like to see that drone again in your video.(using iPhone 8 plus and other 5g phones reduces the frame drop)


Re: programming and "ask your children..." That was cute. I'm still grinning. :-)~


Tello Firmware V01.03.18.01 Released.

Please Note

If after updating the Tello Wi-fi changes to
“Marvell Miceo AP" try as follows

With the Tello off press and hold the power button for 5 seconds, after this the LED should now flash Red.

Now you should be able to see Tello in your Wi-fi on your device, when you connect to the app you may see a red warning at bottom with a some codes, with the Tello still on press and hold the power button again for for 5 seconds, it then should reboot and connect normally to WiFi.


See this is your opinion on how the Tello operates. If it’s windy out you can use the Fast tab and it works quite well in the wind.


there is a tello charging dock for multiple batteries


Never leave your battery in the drone, it will drain out, and store your battery at the first low voltage warning, thanks for uploading this


These days look into the extra $$$ for a "Tello 3" a.k.a. Robomaster TT, it runs on 5Ghz Wi-Fi and keeps the connection a lot better. The Tello and Tello EDU don't work well with a Bluetooth controller out of the box.

For the Tello, which runs on 2.4Ghz Wi-Fi, the Bluetooth controller also runs on 2.4Ghz and will cause a lot of disconnects between the phone and Tello. You have to get a wifi repeater and power pack to keep the signal strong, when using Bluetooth.

In theory you can plug a OTG cable between the T1s and the phone and avoid Bluetooth but the Tello app and Volatello don't seem to recognize it. I'm testing with a better cable next week, will be making a video about this setup.
