Jeannie Tells Her Own #WhyIDidntReport Story For The First Time

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I want Jeannie to write a book about her life. I wanna know more about her.


That lady at 2:41, I hope she's okay, whatever she may be going through. Sending lots of love and God's blessings. 😥


I hope her family supported her after she spoke out about it. And yeah I agree that it doesn't matter how long it takes to tell someone. My heart goes out to anyone who was molested multiple times over the course of several years. I can't imagine. I was molested once when I was 6 years old and still carry guilt about it now at age 24. I didn't even fully understand what had happened to me until a few years ago. I hate how common it is. I feel like I know so many people who have been sexually abused.


Unfortunately, I was touched by my own biological father. It has been the most traumatizing experience of my life. Jeanie is so brave for telling her story! She has my heart and prayers!!


This is the 1st I watch the real in awhile and man jeannie looks different. And I don't mean that a bad way


What sucks is there’s a lot of families that would just sweep it under the rug when you let them know ..


I was molested by a family member at age 7 until I was 10 years old, I was so confused as to why I didn't speak up which is why I can relate w Jeanie. I had the courage to tell my mom after one of his daughters confessed to us that she was raped by him multiple times. I have let it go bc I don't want resentment in my heart but I've noticed that my brain has blocked most of it, it's now mostly a blur.

Parents please take extra precautions with your innocent babies🙏😕


Jeannie embodies the empitome of REAL! She deserves the best host award for always sharing bits of herself and being so inspirational while doing so


finally a topic that's meaningful and needs more attention. thank you for your courage jeannie i know it's hard. I too were sexually assaulted at 13-16 and by someone i know and trust... everything you described fits in my scenario 100%... i always said i wished it had happened from a stranger (obviously wish it never happened at all) but when it's someone you know and trust it shatters you x you lose faith in people and you're in a dilemma of whether to ruin this person's life by coming forward or listen to your heart and forgive them because they're someone you're meant to love/trust. it's the epitome of stockholm syndrome. I spent years with anger and shame...occasionally even guilt, guilt at how i haven't forgiven that person.... sometimes i wish i can forgive him and sometimes i wish his life falls apart like mine did. i never told anyone until 10 years later i finally told one person i trusted and it felt like the weight of the world lifted off of my shoulders... slowly i address sexual assault and don't hold back. haven't reported the person and i wish god can forgive him and i wish he has changed.... bc it's hard for me (the victim) to forgive but i hope i do, for me at least.


I know what Jeannie's talking about. . . feel you girl💔


Jeannie you are triumphant because of your voice!!! Amen!! So strong!!@


I was also molested by a family member for 4 years. It started when I was 5 and honestly I never planned on telling my parents. But I told people who I got close to over the years and through reading my texts my mom found out. I thought for so long that it didn't really bother me until I had a suicide attempt and was put into therapy at 17. I'm 20 now, in college with a beautiful 1 yr old (sadly she was a product of rape but I love that girl so much) and I'm an advocate for lgbt+ people, and survivors of rape. I got help and now I help others.


YES! If someone confides in you, please don't ask what they did! Ask first how they feel! Asking what they did implies guild and enforces shame


I'm  in no way trying to compare this to people who have been molested or sexually harassed. However, I remember being 8 years old and my mum having to work long hours. So she would let a friend take care of me and my sister on particular days. Little did she know that this family was a whole mess and the children in that household were out of control. Once I was standing next to a window (waiting to see my mum) and one of the 18 year old boys in that household came up behind me and started pushing up against me (basically trying to hump me). At the time I didn't know what this was but I knew it didn't feel right. Luckily for me, he quickly left since there were people in the house. I say this to say be careful with who you allow around your children. Just because someone's your friend or a family member, doesn't mean they should be trusted off the bat.


You can just see the pain in the blonde girl’s face in the audience towards the end


I love how she said it doesn’t matter how long ago it was it doesn’t validate what happened


Jeanie, I applaud you. I love you soo much and I am grateful for you to share this. This happened to me as well for many years, and it hurt so much not to be able to speak and I was living with that for years. I never opened up until recently and I hate that it ruined my childhood I ended up feeling alone and dirty. I am glad you shared your story. I love you so much for opening up❤️❤️❤️❤️


Jeanie is a very strong wonder she is always very caring, understanding n has a positive spirit.May God bless her more.bravo..!!


I applaud Jeanie for speaking out! But man they need to prep these girls about SENSITIVE interviewing. Loni was asking good questions but you don’t interrupt a victim when they’re being vulnerable and telling their story. I don’t care if it’s on tv, it’s still her real life.


She has such a compassionate heart. ❤️
