What is Destined to Happen Next in Your Life? | Timeless Reding

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⭐️ Personal Readings:
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What is Destined to Happen Next in Your Life?

Pile Picking: 00:00
Zodiac Picking: 02:21

Pile 1 (Blue Dot Jasper): 05:35
Pile 2 (Labradorite): 31:11
Pile 3 (Mookaite Jasper): 55:29

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🎴Decks used in this reading:
-Osho Zen Tarot by Osho International Foundation 
-The Wild Unknown Pocket Archetypes by Kim Krans
-Tarot de Luz by Aitor Saraiba
-Instarot by Deckstiny
-Kalieidadope Astrol OG by Krystal Banner
-Norse Goddess Rune Oracle by Rebecca Joy Stark and Sharon McLeod

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Рекомендации по теме

Thankyou!!! My fav words!! “ hey soul family” blessings to all that read this!❤🎉❤


I felt like crying after i chose pile 2... all my life since childhood people always ignored me took me granted for my warm behavior always being left alone and treated like outsider even in the midst of whole family always got sidelined and never got prioritize relatives always speak behind the back and try to put down..and above all last 3 yrs it were worst lost my father and not even single one of them offered a hand for help... still i kept a optimistic behavior cause i always believe God is watching and he will make everything right now and 2024 will be best for me...


Pile 2. Absolutely makes sense! My sensitivities and loving nature made it easier for people to make fun of or take advantage. But now it is enabling me to stand in truth while the lies fall away.❤


Pile 3 I found that April is vocal cord awareness month. Thank you Reem for all the love you put into your beautiful readings ❤


Pile 3 - amazing! I just got an email from New York - from a psychology club - who found my research into IQ testing autistic children in different conditions and they want me to zoom in on Friday to talk about my doctorate research. I don't know how they found it as I am dreadful at self promotion and i don't know what I need to do to publish. This may be the launch ? The lady who is president is from Japan (you mentioned sushi) how incredible is that!


I love when I pick a pile on intuition and then wait for the signs and my sign ends up under the same pile... it happens almost every time (but when I'm torn between two piles, it usually is my tie breaker for which to at least watch first.)


In pile 3 when you mentioned Samsung I have to pause to recover from the shock. I literally work for that company!!


Pile #1 here, so accurate! Me and my 85 year old mother living together after the death of my father who was our go between person in our relationship. I have worked so hard on our relationship, I have literally paused my life to be here with her and navigate grief together while at the same time trying to figure out how to get along with my mother without the help of my father. All of it is unconditional from me as well as from her. We have put in the work and we are just now starting to see those glimpses of glow, and in this situation the ultimate glow is to find peace with my mother before her life ends, should that happen before mine. Thank you. 🙏 ❤️


Pile n.3, throat chakra: a huge family debate is going on this month with up and down, double sided, trick or treats 🎉


Dear White feather Tarot, first of all, I want to say a huge thank you! Thank you to be my soul family. Your tarot readings have brought joy to my days and have accompanied me through awakening, immersion in 3D games again, and reawakening ……. I've wanted to say thank you many times, and today I finally wrote you this message. I am grateful for my actions and for the companionship your soul has given me. Love you!

I am currently going through a transformation. I can feel the immense energy of this change, and I've heard your readings that echo this transformation. June 14th, in twice reading!!! Then, in this timeless reading, in pile 2, I saw the number 14 again!!! And, these days, I am seeing the number 7 everywhere. You know what I'm talking about, right? And I'm sure you’re excited too!!!

Many times I wanted to share my work with you, and I’m grateful for my actions today as I finally sent it to you. Thank you for the first formal embrace of our souls. I love you so much! Thank


Pile 2 probably deal with my current job situation in where I will be retiring at the end of April. In the recent past and maybe still, behind my back, have been people who wanted to put me down. Mostly my ex supervisor and her friends who happen not to like me very much. Perhaps by my leaving at lot of what these people were gossiping will be exposed hence they will be discovered as " fake" not to be trusted. I just want to leave this toxic place and be at peace and have the financial abundance to retire happily. This what I think will happen either way as long as I am happy and Prosperous that is what I pray for. Beautiful reading and advice thank you Liz here ❤️🙏👍


At this point, watching Reem regularly has become a habit haha!


Pile nr 2 - I'm still listening to it ..., just wanted to say regarding the card
NO-THIGNESS - that is the point what we are meant to reach in meditations.
Blackness, nothingness to reach the God energy. Reach love 💜


pile 2.this reading brought so much solace after being backstabbed by people whom I called family. Loads of love and prayers for you, Reem..


Pile 2 The saying is Success is the best revenge…


Wonderful Reem ❤️ pile 2. I have been through it for a very long time, have fought hard, and I am coming out of it now. Thank you for your guidance 🍀 Lots of love from Éire 💚


Pile 2, im crying right now. It’s like you have described my past 4 years on the dot. I claim this reading and I pray that it comes to fruition 🙏🏻💫


Pile 3, what such great news👍. Power and Popularity are on the way, can't wait 😊 .Thank you very much for reading it 🙏🌹💝💖


Pile #3.thank you. Hopefor great things happened end of April forward.


Hi ! Just wanted to tell you that I saw one of your videos the other day and you said that I was going to be reached by message about an offer and three days later I received a job offer!!
