Noncommunicable Diseases: We have had enough. Have you?

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Deaths caused by noncommunicable diseases bring suffering and heartache to millions of people worldwide – those who live with the diseases, as well as their families and friends. 70% of all deaths worldwide result from NCDs, but this should not be the case as many of these deaths are preventable.
We are calling on governments to move beyond rhetoric and to commit to and deliver much more assertive action, now.
Because we have had enough. Have you?
We are calling on governments to move beyond rhetoric and to commit to and deliver much more assertive action, now.
Because we have had enough. Have you?
Noncommunicable Diseases: We have had enough. Have you?
Introduction to Non-Communicable Diseases- a global killer
Noncommunicable Diseases and their Risk Factors (animated video)
Management and Prevention of Noncommunicable Diseases Among Refugees and Migrants
COVID-19 - Q&As: Noncommunicable diseases
WHO: EMRO Health +SocialGood - Segment about Noncommunicable Diseases
Preventing and treating noncommunicable diseases | The Final Word
WHO: Noncommunicable diseases – High-level action needed to meet the SDGs and beat NCDs
Clergy urges govt to declare non-communicable diseases a national emergency
A global strategy for noncommunicable diseases
The complex interplay between noncommunicable diseases and COVID-19
PS08 Non-Communicable Diseases in ow and Middle Income Countries
Noncommunicable Diseases: Affecting and Affected by COVID-19
WHO: Advocacy about Noncommunicable diseases by the civil society in Uganda
I have had ENOUGH_Mychelle Farmer (NCD Child)
Noncommunicable diseases need to be a public health priority
Live Q&A on noncommunicable diseases and #COVID19
Moving Beyond Global Tobacco Control to Global Non-Communicable Disease Control
CUGH 2021 Satellite: The Importance of Noncommunicable Diseases in Pandemic Times
How Can We Help Manage Non-Communicable Diseases? | AXA Research Fund
Noncommunicable diseases: A health threat, a curb on development
Noncommunicable Diseases and Youth
What do you know about noncommunicable diseases?
Lifestyle Interventions to Combat Noncommunicable Disease