The 'Ring Method' of Dutch Oven Heat Management

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This is a foolproof way to maintain your dutch oven's heat. Best of all, no counting is required, and it works with the Metric system too!
We find that the most intimidating thing about Dutch Oven cooking is heat management.
People think that they have to be a rocket scientist to maintain good even heat. The good news, our favorite technique is also the simplest. We'll also walk you through the "Rule of 3's" and correlate it to this method. Using the "Ring Method", we can relieve the stress and lower the anxiety levels. After all, this is supposed to be fun right?
Although we don't claim this to be anything even close to scientific, we did throw some probe thermometers in the ovens to gauge how well the heat maintained once it was up to temp. I estimate that it held within 10 degrees for almost 20 minutes. That seems to match our experience.
Try it with hard wood coals or lump, if you line the perimeter of your oven, you'll have similar results.
You'll always get highs and lows, you do in you home oven too, but using this method, you'll be a pro in no time.
#GetOutThereAndCook #Charcoal #DutchOven
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We find that the most intimidating thing about Dutch Oven cooking is heat management.
People think that they have to be a rocket scientist to maintain good even heat. The good news, our favorite technique is also the simplest. We'll also walk you through the "Rule of 3's" and correlate it to this method. Using the "Ring Method", we can relieve the stress and lower the anxiety levels. After all, this is supposed to be fun right?
Although we don't claim this to be anything even close to scientific, we did throw some probe thermometers in the ovens to gauge how well the heat maintained once it was up to temp. I estimate that it held within 10 degrees for almost 20 minutes. That seems to match our experience.
Try it with hard wood coals or lump, if you line the perimeter of your oven, you'll have similar results.
You'll always get highs and lows, you do in you home oven too, but using this method, you'll be a pro in no time.
#GetOutThereAndCook #Charcoal #DutchOven
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