Breastfeeding Myths Debunked and Explained

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Being a mother is not an easy task. So here are some breastfeeding myths debunked and explained for your preparation for motherhood.

Myth: The size of your nipple affects the way you breastfeed your child
-These things have nothing to do with how well your baby will take breastfeeding.

Myth: You can't drink wine or beer when breastfeeding
-After birth, moderate alcohol consumption is okay, especially when waiting at least 2 hours before nursing.

Fact: Your baby knows your scent
-Your baby develops its sense of smell by the second trimester. They've had months to memorize your pheromones.

Myth: Breastfeeding will make your breasts sag
-No evidence supports this, skin typically begins to sag due to aging.

Fact: Breastfeeding can help ease Postpartum Depression
-Oxytocin, the chemical linked to feeling happy, is released while mothers breastfeed. A reason for mothers to feel more confident and happier

Myth: Engorgement is to be expected
-Engorgement is normal and not every mother will experience it. It can be caused by overfeeding or oversupply.

Fact: It takes time to get the hang of breastfeeding
-Being concerned about feeding your baby is a valid and normal anxiety parents-alike face.

Myth: You will always have the perfect amount of breast milk for every feeding
-It's not abnormal for moms to not be able to produce enough milk for their babies. It happens, and it's okay.

Fact: Using formula while breastfeeding is okay
-Supplementing baby formula with breastmilk is perfectly safe for your baby. Just make sure to give them time to adjust.

Myth: Reducing the frequency of nursing will ensure more milk for next time
-Your body creates milk based on how often it is used. The more breastfeeding sessions you have, the more milk your body will produce.

Myth: Don't give your baby the "pre-milk" your body makes before you give birth
-This sticky, often yellowish, milk is known as colostrum. It contains crucial antibodies, minerals, proteins, potassium, and calcium your baby needs.


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