I made a TOWER DEFENSE Game in Roblox...

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I made a TOWER DEFENSE Game in Roblox...

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🎥 In today's video, I'm gonna be starting a new project! I've decided to create a medieval fantasy themed tower defense game. So far the game includes a goblin enemy and an elf archer!

🎵 Music
Gusty Garden Galaxy || Super Mario Galaxy
A Lively Inn || Miitopia
Miitomo Shop || Miitomo
Let the Game Begin || Mario Party 2
User Settings || Wii Fit
Yoshi's Fruit Cart || Nintendo Land
Bloo Bay Beach || Paper Mario: Color Splash
Theme Shop || 3DS System Music

Creative Commons CC BY 4.0

#roblox #robloxstudio #robloxstudiotutorial
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I feel like the goblins and elfs stats feel a bit weird right now, and I need your help to fix them!
If you could fill in each stat with what you think would make the game feel more balanced, I'd really appreciate it!

- Walk speed
- Health
- Damage to player base
- Cash dropped on death

- Damage to enemies
- Attack range
- Attack cooldown
- Price to buy


looks rlly awesome gamerm8, well done!
i can give u some ideas if u would like

GAMEPLAY IDEA: Middle Intermissions
Every 10 waves, a shop will appear and you can buy abilities like X2 Cash or Tower Speed, etc

Enemy Idea: The Witch
Throws potions around, stunning towers who have been hit with it

alright, keep up the good work


easy mode : 10 waves - boss = dragon if you are at wave 10, first minion dragons then boss dragon👍

maybe more ideas

fire goblin = if you gonna add a tower like deals damage with fire, this guy don't take damage


Gamer here’s some ideas

Units:knight and unicorn that makes money
Enemies: dragon which spawns on the hardest mode and is the hardest boss for now the Phoenix that spawns like in a harder map but not a boss
Maps:like something related to rainbow road or like a cave with a lot of fire and a mashroom forest
And that’s it edit: unicorn is the only one that makes money


unit idea
cost in shop:3500
Description:he loves magic
money to place:1250
1 level-Forbidden magic, 20 DMG, 2 cooldown, range ??? cost:900
2 level-Fire ball, 40 DMG, 2 cooldown, range ??? add fire effect to enemies cost:2300
3 level-Mega energy, 100 Dmg, 2 cooldown, range ??? cost:4500
4 level-Mage of the forest, 250 Dmg, 2 cooldown, range ??? cost:6000


GamerM8 Add wizard (unit) and add lobby add Orcs (Boss lot of HP but 2x slower than goblins And also add Dragonz (enemy) Finale boss LOT of Health and Kinda fast like mid fast And my last idea add Sorcecer (unit) ALOT of damage but 1.5 seconds cool down ❤


Here are a few ideas;
The King would be a summoning tower, and spawn knights on the path to attack the enemies, and you should also let there be multiple variations that spawn each upgrade, similar to TDX.

And you should also maybe have Knights as a tower, with slow yet heavy hitting attacks, but maybe not hence the kings mechanic.

There should be a farmer that gets money each wave, so just the farm but with an er at the end.

Raiders could be an enemy, coming in with pitchforks or something, usually spawning in in groups, which’ll be overwhelming even with low stats.

There could also be a lord/king of the goblins that could act as a mini boss or a final boss.

And maybe there could be a tower that builds barricades on the path that tank damage.

That’s all my ideas for now, I hope this gets seen!


Just a couple of suggestions:

TOWERS: you could add lots of towers including:

-prisoner (default tower)

ENEMIES: also lots of enemies such as:

-necromancer (summons enemies)
-frog mutants


-castle map
-throne room
-dungeon map
-forest map
-ship map
-magical jungle map
-ant land


-tower boosts
-enemies spawn from 3 different caves
-a limit to how many towers
-a choice of being a wizard (magical stuff) or a prince (non-magical stuff)

*cutscenes would be super fun and interesting to tell the backstory. I know it’s a bit much for you to do but if the game was doing good you could get some people to help you.

anyways I hope you see this and get some inspiration! Good luck on this project. I could definitely see this going somewhere.


bro i cant wait to see what he updates to this game next, A Suggestion: you should add more enemys and more different variety of allies to add instead of just a elf, and you should make it where players can attack the goblin's too


Game idea new tower : wizard. The wizard attacks by using his magical wand and then casts a spell on the enemies . He is 59 dollars in the game and does 40 damage .if you upgrade him he does 60 damage on level 2. If you upgrade him to level 3 he gets a new ability and his ability is he uses a magical hand to slam on the enemies. On level 4 he uses the same level 3 ability but hets green goggles.


This new game looks fire GamerM8.
Suggestion: Wizards, Catapults, different goblins versions.
Thank you gamerM8 for helping me learn to script.


Suggestion: Make a enemy called "LumberJohn".
He looks like a Lumberjack.
His stats:
Walkspeed = 5
Health = 5000
Damage to player base = depending on the enemy's health
Cash dropped on death = 200
Stomp = he makes a 2 second stun to elfs.

Axe attack = he uses his axe to stun nearby elfs, 3 second stun.


My man you're lucky cause ill be in that game for 24/7 cuz im addicted to Tower Defense games


Pls make a part 2 your game is awesome❤


Some ideas for the game:

- Considering you used a GnomeCode tutorial and Gnomes are medieval fantasy creatures, I think a Tower based on GnomeCode would fit quite well. Maybe give him a unique way to unlock him, like a secret code or a Hidden Wave, rather than just getting him like a normal Tower.
- Have a different enemy type for each Game Mode. One Game Mode would have Goblins, another Game Mode could have Kobolds that have a Dragon as a boss, another Game Mode could have Orcs, maybe one could have Humans, etcetera.
- You should definitely utilize that dried-up husk face for something. Maybe the boss of the Goblin Game Mode.
- Add Ranked-up Modes versions like TBZ has because TBZ hasn't gotten much attention and I haven't seen any Tower Defense games with a similar mechanic. Some examples of Ranked-up Modes are Hobgoblins for Ranked-up Goblin Mode and religious figures for Ranked-up Human Mode.
- On the topic of religious figures, and with a Hidden Wave being brought up in the first suggestion, I feel like a good option for a Hidden Wave would be the Rapture occurring. Due to legal obligation, and due to the Nameless Deity of Light being very similar to God, I am forced to suggest the final boss of the Rapture being The Nameless Deity of Light. Of course, having Nameless Deity in your game definitely isn't the best of ideas, and you can probably come up with a better idea for the Hidden Wave Final Boss.

Thank you for coming to my T.E.D. talk!


Sure! Here are some ideas for a medieval fantasy tower defense game, covering towers, enemies, bosses, and game mechanics:

### Towers
1. **Archer Tower**:
- **Upgrades**: Crossbowmen (faster attack), Longbowmen (increased range), Fire Archers (fire damage over time).

2. **Mage Tower**:
- **Upgrades**: Ice Mage (slows enemies), Lightning Mage (chain lightning attack), Arcane Mage (high single-target damage).

3. **Barracks**:
- **Upgrades**: Knights (high health), Pikemen (increased damage to large enemies), Paladins (healing aura for nearby towers).

4. **Ballista Tower**:
- **Upgrades**: Rapid Fire Ballista (faster attack), Explosive Ballista (area damage), Piercing Ballista (hits multiple enemies).

5. **Cannon Tower**:
- **Upgrades**: Bombardier (larger explosion radius), Dragon's Breath Cannon (fire damage), Earthshaker (stuns enemies).

### Enemies
1. **Goblins**:
- Fast but weak enemies, come in large numbers.

2. **Orcs**:
- Slower, stronger enemies with higher health.

3. **Skeleton Warriors**:
- Medium speed and health, resistant to poison.

4. **Wolves**:
- Very fast enemies that can dodge attacks.

5. **Dark Elves**:
- Use ranged attacks against towers, moderate speed and health.

### Bosses
1. **Orc Warlord**:
- High health and damage, summons additional orc minions during the battle.

2. **Necromancer**:
- Medium health, can resurrect fallen enemies, periodically summoning waves of skeletons.

3. **Dragon**:
- Flying boss with breath attacks that damage multiple towers, high health.

4. **Giant Troll**:
- Extremely high health and damage, regenerates health over time.

5. **Dark Sorcerer**:
- Casts spells to disable towers temporarily, moderate health and summons elemental minions.

### Game Mechanics
1. **Resource Management**:
- Earn gold by defeating enemies. Use gold to build and upgrade towers.

2. **Wave System**:
- Enemies come in waves, with each wave increasing in difficulty. Bosses appear every 10th wave.

3. **Hero Units**:
- Players can control powerful hero units with unique abilities. Heroes can level up and gain new skills.

4. **Path Blocking**:
- Some towers or units can create temporary barriers to redirect enemy paths.

5. **Special Abilities**:
- Players can use powerful abilities with cooldowns, such as calling down a meteor strike, summoning reinforcements, or casting a healing spell for towers.

6. **Tower Synergy**:
- Certain towers can work together for combo effects. For example, a freezing effect from an Ice Mage can make enemies take more damage from other towers.

7. **Environmental Hazards**:
- Some maps may have natural hazards like lava flows or falling rocks that can damage both enemies and towers, adding a layer of strategy.

These suggestions provide a solid foundation for a medieval fantasy tower defense game, balancing strategic depth with engaging gameplay. Btw you can also use this


Cannoneer (medieval era according to google is 500-1500 AD And Cannon Invented in 1200AD)
Tower that shoot High Damage, MidRange and Single target that turns its Cannonball into Bomb Cannonball that Deal High damage and having small Area explosion that have Decent Damage in later level


You are one of my favourite roblox game dev youtuber


You should make a lobby where you can join with other players to go to different maps and some maps are harder than others


since this a medieval tower defense i think for starters 1.[ intermission] U can choose easy, medium, hard and NIGHTMARE well start with easy for now because its simple. 2. [mobs/enemies] first enemy is a skeleton it can move really fast! Next i suggest a witch that can throw potions and stun towers for a short amount of time. im ending my suggestions here folks. [preview] easy = goblins, witch and skeleton |

stun potion = 4 seconds stun
10 damage to base

5 damage to base


10 damage to base

5 damage

u dont have to like if u dont want to im just giving an opinoin pls dont hate aswell and have a great day everyone
