Not having children for the climate | VPRO Documentary

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Pop star Blythe Pepino came to realise that far-reaching choices are needed to save the climate. Such as not fulfilling your wish to have children.

She founded 'BirthStrike': an organisation for women who consciously choose not to have children, as a response to the climate crisis. The media portrayed her initiative widely, and within two weeks she had almost 150 other women on her side, mainly in Britain.

Blythe does not want to discourage anyone from having children and is not out to condemn people with children. She does want to make it clear that the problem is urgent and that major changes are needed.

The VPRO is touring Europe and European history. The series 'In Europe, History caught in the act' picks up the thread where the previous one ended: in 1999. Optimism at the turn of the century gave way to fear and confusion following the attacks on the Twin Towers, the credit crisis, an increasing flow of refugees, and an increasingly troubled relationship with Russia. But can you recognize history if you are in the middle of it? If nobody knows how it will end?

The series speaks with witnesses, that without realizing it, ended up in the middle of an important historical event. Every week we publish new videos from the new series and previously broadcast seasons.

In Europe, history caught in the act is a series with Geert Mak by Stefanie de Brouwer and Roel van Broekhoven.

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Your next video is going to be, “Why we need to import the third world to replace our aging population.”


Instead of only complaining. Why doesn’t she adopt? Offer a kid a future. Contribute to make the world a better place.


Redicules reason, there is always a future, if you decide to not have children its you own free choice, the climate will change one day thats normal, it did many times in the past, nothing is eternal.


ASK THE QUESTION Why have 2nd-3rd world countries (the current mega polluters) failed to build adequate clean energy supplies ?
Why haven't the biggest populations gone full-on nuclear, additionally why aren't they going with renewables ?
Why aren't 2nd-3rd world countries making a technology jump on energy production ?
Why is coal still being used as a fuel anywhere ?
Why aren't protestors telling China to stop burning coal?
Why is Australia still selling China coal?


I’m wondering, has she ever traveled? I would recommend the Philippines, Africa, South America.. how ignorant can a person be 🤦‍♀️ As the living standards in these regions of the world continue to rise to the standards of the U.S. and Europe, these regions will continue to have reproduction rates that are far higher than in today's 1st world countries - but only for a few more generations. On the bright side, at around 10 billion people, our exponential global population growth will flatten off. The simple reason for this is that the quality of life is highest with 1-3 children - on average - and not with 5-10 kids. People will want higher and higher living standards, demand more quality of life and focus more on realizing their own career potential, hobbies, and self-interests. As GDP rises even in countries with very low GDP today, governments and individuals will be able to put aside money for retirement instead of relying on 10 kids for their retirement. So, in 100 years from now, the global population will naturally stabilize and then very gradually decline again 👍 Of course, nobody can predict the future. But that's my interpretation of the trend given the status quo.


As an educated person living in a pacific island third world country, i somehow understand the weight of the climate crisis. The typhoons in my country has become more frequent and stronger. It is indeed our human activities that exacerbates climate change, but I believe we can find solution by properly educating ourselves on how to conserve the environment.

Choosing to be childless specially if you are one of those humans who understand how to save this planet is for me, really sad. I believe that we should have at least 2 kids, but be responsible parents who will teach them climate awareness and planetary boundaries. That should be our legacy us humans, descendants who take care of earth. Children who are educated by responsible parents on how to responsibly take care of earth, is a must right now. Not becoming childless.

Sadly, with our current realities we are all taken by the idea of "success and riches of life" instead of "living one with earth" that makes us see becoming childless as the solution to this crisis.


I can't imagine the level of narcissism that drives one to reproduce oneself in a shitty world like this... If everyone stopped having kids imagine how much less pointless suffering there would be.


I fully support her, I also don't want to have children to leave in this world that is drowning in pollution and water, it is not a question of leaving the world better.
Would you have a child in the middle of a war? where would you know they would lose? where did they know there would be nothing left?
I think it is not just a question of climate, it is a much deeper question, it is a question of understanding that we are at war and we do not understand it yet. there is a war going on all over the world, and the inaction of human beings, their inaction, their lack of concern and negativism, these are the problems. they create a veil of tranquility where there shouldn't be ... regardless of the reasons that led humanity to act as deniers, the fact is that we remain deniers.
I will not evict a child in the world to suffer for the mistakes that this society could have avoided. oh i am from the "third world" where the birth rate no longer meets the needs of social security.


She's not "wildly famous" and doesn't have "a zillion views" on YouTube... she's FAR more famous for this position than any of her music. She's basically a nutcase that was used to make a documentary around one of the crazy things she says.


Everyday we stray further from the light...


A young couple struggling with this decision, yet WANTING CHILDREN, is very sad. This brings this issue front and center.
I must say, that I might feel the same way if I were just now starting my adult life.

There are many children needing homes. We can adopt.



Never heard of her before. She sounds bitter about her own life and resentful about humans in general. Good for her to not reproduce. Nobody should try to convince anyone to reproduce.


Huge respect for this personal stand. Anyone who has seriously researched the full complexity of climate change would know that humans are heading for extinction within the next 100 years or so, and maybe much sooner. 'Being positive' sounds nice but wont change what's coming, we are past the point of no return, we brought us here and we will face the on as normal, which is what most are doing, may push the realities into the back of our minds but it wont change the reality of what's coming...something we can no longer stop, no matter what. Time to be less greedy and selfish towards our fellow human but I don't see that happening much. Not bringing children into this reality is caring and realistic... but the haters and woke brigade will now have a new 'enemy' to destroy and ridicule while most continue to protect the little piece of sand (to put their head in)!


This is a topic that interests me but script (narration) is appalling


Intelligent people need to breed more. Not the other way around!


Ok, nobody sees the flaw in that strategy?


Most European countries are already below replacement rate. Preach to Africa and the middle east.


Hopefully this philosophy spreads to Africa and Asia where the real population problems are.


Climate scares you now, but the older and lonelier you become you'll regret not having the love and support network that can only be found in family. Try to save the climate but you'll end up destroying your community and destroy sense of belonging.


I notice she's driving around using up all that carbon just to get to the beach. I wonder if there was a bus to the same spot or if she could have walked.
