Eric Clapton says John Mayer is a 'master' guitarist

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I bet John Mayer watches this every night before bed


Imagine being called a "master guitar player" by Eric Clapton? I'd carry the link to this YouTube video and give it to people all day, every day. Anyway. Yet another masterful interview by Santa Claus.


Eric Clapton is talking about John Mayer's technical guitar playing abilities. Anyone who's ever played guitar would consider that to be about the biggest compliment they could receive, and  from a legend at that.  I'll take Clapton's opinion over some fat guys on YouTube any day of the week.


I used to see John Mayer as a pop artist and always hesitated listening to his music and certainly made fun when guitar world listed him as a great guitarist. But I grew out of the metal phase and started listening to music in every form and genre and John Mayer was a shocker to me. He's such a brilliant songwriter and a very very very good guitar player. There was a time when I used to think that anybody that does not shred 100 notes per minute isn't a great


"[John Mayer is] extremely gifted. His facility is phenomenal. He is a master. I don't think he even knows how good he is." - Eric Clapton.


There you go John Mayer haters. One of the blues legends said it himself.


John mayer was so good at his craft that Santa Claus himself came down to interview Eric Clapton about it.


Mayer is unbelievable. One of the best I’ve ever heard live.


John Mayer is a great guitarist. Even Clapton and B.B. acknowledged the man's great talent. Say what you want about the guy, but he has amazing songwriting skills and has done it all - pop, blues, soul, Americana, country - a total breath of fresh air in mainstream music today.


So many people jump to criticise Mayer, classing his ability as inferior to that of other famous guitarists, before taking a moment to analyse what actually makes a great guitar player. For me, there are two components that are integral, and cannot be taught. You either have them, or you don't. Touch and feel. Touch is something that - in my mind at least - you can decipher from a guitarist playing just two or three notes. It's as given and determined as the shape of their little finger. Some people just have that natural ability to make any guitar note sound beautiful - on its own, unaided. John has that - in spades. Feel, in my mind, is working on the instrument to the point where the player has gotten its elasticity as natural as the voice of a great singer. There's no feeling stunted - the player understands rhythm and dynamics (the latter is so criminally overlooked) to the point that they can build and unbuild a phrase in a way that is effortlessly musical. I've always thought these two things are ingrained, and not taught or learned. Someone like John could think out that same guitar solo - probably even think it better than he can play it. When you analyse an experience in life where another human being communicated something to you that triggered a strong emotion, there was probably more to it than just the words he/she used. Pauses, delivery, dynamics, flow - coupled with the meaning of the words; the same is true of music. All these things are what the best musicians spend their time trying to emulate. Then you have technique - that's just the mechanical ability to know your instrument well enough to communicate the ideas in your head cleanly, without necessarily being overly sloppy etc. Technique comes with practice. Touch and feel are innate. Comparing John Mayer to certain other successful (unnamed) blues guitarists out there is to be impressed by technique and show, more than to be impressed by how elegantly an emotion is delivered to from heart to heart. John can do this without thinking. That's why it only took him an hour to cut those tracks, and that's why Eric has praised him so highly. It's an innate communication of notes through his guitar, into your ears and hearts - there is so little thought involved at this point, it becomes effortless. I don't even know where I'm going with this any more! Moral of the story - thank you, Eric. You hit the nail on the head in your appraisal of Mayer, and I know that anyone who's hearing and feeling the same thing listening to his music, can vouch for that, too.


Eric Clapton says he is a master.. now that is humbling.


I saw John play live over a decade ago and he brought out some double headed 12 string beast and slayed it. I was so impressed and I’d tell people he was a phenomenal guitarist and they’d look at me sideways.


Clapton doesn't hand out compliments like that too often. I saw all the initial love-in fawning over Mayer on the covers of People and Vanity Fair and MALE or whatever lol as I walked through the drugstores and airports and just tuned him out I guess. After really seriously listening to his blues and rock guitar playing (especially his recent playing with Dead & Company), I am blown away. Maybe the best electric guitarist so far this century or certainly in the running for such distinction. His self-admitted need for some ego-checking and gratitude has clearly affected him for the better as well.


You gotta give credit where credit is due. That's the smart and mature way to be. John Mayer is a very talented and gifted musician. Some people may not like his style, but that is simply a matter of personal taste. John can write excellent pop songs that have mass appeal, sing well, and he plays guitar with authority and an excellent knowledge of the instrument. Those BB King style riffs he was playing were spot on, and he got a ringing endorsement from one of the most celebrated and legendary guitarists ever. If you don't like John Mayer, I can understand and respect that. But the dude is very talented. Anyone truly honest with themselves can acknowledge that. Peace.


John Mayer has been spoken about by many famous guitarists as a person who transcribed Interviews for a Guitar magazine, he is loved by his fellow guitar friends!~ He's a pure genius! Love his passion


“I don’t think he even knows how great he is” what an amazing thing to hear from an artist like CLAPTON. Wow.


John Mayer is truly phenomenal. Can’t say I sit down and listen to his work regularly, but you’ve got to recognise how talented he is.


The way he picked up all the Dead tunes and his ability to channel Jerry but still himself at the same time is amazing really


If clapton says you are a master on a guitar, that is the moment where you can say to your mom: "I have made it mom!"


I love Eric when he sits on a chair and plays acoustic. He outstanding...
