PrePatch the War within Leveling 10-70 Echoes of radiant - 2 Minutes Guide With Game play

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#gamehub-2 #thewarwithin #worldofwarcraft #warwithin #guide
RestedXP is the fastest World of Warcraft Classic
leveling guide created by the best speedrunners of the community. The guides are tailored specifically to every class.

00:00 intro
00:17 Radiant Echoes
00:34 dalaran portal to event
00:54 10-49 how to join
01:02 50-70 How to join
01:18 Archmage khadgar Portal
01:30 Follow the players in Event
01:54 Shop
02:15 Leveling my Rogue
03:20 outro

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Is this still possible or is the pre patch gone?
