4 Weird Signs God Is Protecting You from a Hurtful Relationship

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God bless,
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"A heartbreak is a blessing from God. It's just his way of letting us realize that he saved us from the wrong one"
Thank you Lord for all the guidance and protection plus all the strength to finally move on from a narcissistic abuse.
God is good all the time. All the time God is good. 🥰


#4. hint is the strongest one. that "gut feeling" is actually the Holy Spirit, either warning you off something or prodding you onto something; dont confuse your own prodding with the Holy Spirits one...dont delude yourself...if the scenario what you want/are planning does NOT LINE UP with THE WORD, then AVOID IT!! obey the WORD not your wantings...


Thanks for reminding, I’m a patient young adult who haven’t dated before, let’s see what God has planned in me- I’m not desperate just waiting for a good timing when I’m prepared!


When it comes to #4: I personally feel this sensation that something is wrong with someone only before (or even after) I meet them; yet when I am spending time with them, it vanishes. If that is the case for you: do not be deceived: this feeling is still likely true.


Thank you Mark!!

I do realize that God recently protected me from taking an ex-boyfriend back into my life. I was convicted by the power of the Holy Spirit, I was reminded of the Grace of God and of the blessings I have received.

I want to use my gifts to also help others as the Lord sees fit. God does not want me to stumble (especially from something He helped me to overcome) and further delay His plan for me🙏.

I have experienced some of the “weird” occurrences God uses to protect us, as discussed in this video.

May God bless the Body of Christ🙏🙏.


Great video! Yep, when God wants you with someone, He will make it happen.


Number 4 is the most important one in my opinion, though the first three are also important ones too. If you feel uncomfortable about someone in your spirit, that is the Holy Spirit, telling you that something about that person is off.


Adding to things that could warn you are dreams or visions. In each bad relationship I have had, I had nightmares and a strange sense of foreboding beforehand. I did not make the link until looking back in hindsight. Now I am more aware! I recently read that if you have a dream and wake up and remember it, it could be a message. That really resonated with me.


Attracting toxic relationships is not meant to destroy your life; It's meant for some to come help you clear your path.
💙YouTuber That Helps People Overcome Toxic Relationships


Sometimes God let’s me do something out of the ordinary in my interaction with a person which triggers them to reveal their true character which I wouldn’t have seen otherwise.


I had one of these happen to me. There was a sister at church that i was interested in.and, every so often we sat near each other. I got a little bit more interested in her over time and was trying to connect with her at church. I was very consistent going to Wednesday Bible study and usually missed Sunday services because of my work schedule. She showed up for services occasionally on Wednesday nights and finally i said to myself i need to take more steps to connect with her. So, i finally friended her on facebook and thought i could message her and ask her good questions to get to know her better. Well, lo and behold, not long after the friend request she announced to everyone one fakebook that she was pregnant. Oh, well so much for that. The good part of the story is that she is doing much better now career wise than before she had the baby.


Thank you 🙏 God for your love, protection, and guidance I get daily from you


I believe the devil can also put a person in our lives and we don't always see it until its too late 😢


I've experienced all these 4 steps in a previous relationship. I am beyond thankful and grateful for God's love (especially on a sinner like me)!!


Warning #5 as you continue to moan and groan about how bad you want to get married you get an email about 4 signs that God is protecting you from a hurtful relationship lol. Yes this just happened and yes working for God is comically terrifying sometimes lol.


I write this with a joyous heart, this video was spot on, I ask God why this person came in my life and he showed me to use me for his exercising platform, God protected me from this man . I was too involved too soon . I can’t question God but it just does hurt as a person, but I’m a strong woman and will bounce back


I have definitely experienced number 1 and number 4. Accurate. Also, AGW University is really good. You can also access the information at any time. Recommended. God bless💯


Great video Mark. We know there are no random moments or coincidences under God's sovereignty. Look at the story of Judah and Tamar. That refreshes me.😂 Judah played her but she got him back in the end, and not only did God give her a son, he gave her twins. Her place was secure in that family and among his wealth. 😁
Trust the Lord, children of God. He is a waymaker!!!


you know what, this is all true. i can attest to that. i learned the hard way. i pray that for others, you wont experience what i went thru


As always you're right on time! 🙏 🤲
