How To Use VoiceOver on Mac (Screen Reader Tutorial) Pt. 1

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#Mac #accessibility #blind

The long awaited, and much requested video has arrived! Let's talk about how screen readers work on Mac computers! This is the first instalment of a many-part series that will teach you how to use Voiceover on Mac and iPhone.

Jump By Topic:
Introduction: 0:00
Keyboard Orientation: 1:00
Turning VoiceOver On/Off: 4:27
Hand Positioning: 5:23
The VO Keys: 6:35
Basic Navigation: 6:41
Opening Files/Applications: 7:21
Interacting with Content: 7:54
Stop Speech: 9:09
The Dock: 9:21
Closing/Quitting: 10:01
The Desktop: 1028
The Menu: 10:51
VoiceOver Help: 12:06
Changing VoiceOver Settings: 13:43
Review: 15:49

VoiceOver Commands:
Turn Voiceover On/Off - Command F5 or Shift Command F5 or Triple Tap Finger Reader
VO Keys - Control + Option
Open/Double Click - VO + Space
Interact with Content - VO + Shift + Down Arrow
Stop Interacting with Content - VO + Shift + Up Arrow
Stop Speaking - Control
Dock - VO + D
Desktop - VO + Shift + D
Close Window - Command - W
Quit Application - Command - Q
Menu - VO + M
Accessories Menu - VO + M M
Help Menu - VO + H
Changing VoiceOver Settings - VO + Command + Shift + Left or Right Arrow

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I SAW MANY VIDEOS ON voiceover BUT THIS IS THE BEST VIDEO with detailed explanation so far on youtube


I am a teacher of students with visual impairments and this video is the best breakdown of beginner skills for my students. We have had a hard time just getting started jumping from using NVDA and JAWs to VoiceOver, but the way you presented the content easy and straightforward was so beneficial and time saving! Thank you!!


I just recently found your channel. I'm on the waitlist for a lot of classes to help me with my failing sight and am finding your channel to be incredible. You give the information I need without overexploiting. 

Just last week I got my first white cane and found the video I needed on your channel to begin to start using it. It's given me the ability to walk around with freedom where I live and just around it until I start O&M class in 3 weeks.

I love it. Keep it up!


This is fantastic, thank you! I work with a team of instructional designers, and we are trying to create things as accessible as possible. I'm going to assign your videos as homework to the team!


Thank you for making this video. I have had an Apple Mac that has been sitting in a dusty cupboard for more than five years now. Finally bullet, and for the first time, was able to navigate the App Store, something I’d never done before using your tutorials. Thank you so much for this video really looking forward to the next one. have looked at some of your other videos as well, and they’re all really good. Consider me a fan! Great going and looking forward.


I really appreciate you, I have to make computers ready for my customers and wasn't able to use mouse to access wifi in recovery mode to install OSX, I spent 10 hours with no luck and your video was the most educational and detailed that helped me, Thank you a lot for your great hard work. You Rock !


I just wanted to thank you very much. I actually am not blind but I have dyslexia and use my voiceover on my phone all the time in my iPad. Need to learn how to use my Mac notebook and you are so very helpful. Thank you again.


This is a fantastic VoiceOver tutorial and honestly, it's one of the best. You really have a gift for teaching; your instruction style for these is very similar to mine, so I'm super happy to find a fellow teacher who puts in so much effort with these. I've taught assistive technology in the past, including VoiceOver for both Mac and iPhone. I still teach Apple products but not VoiceOver or Zoom as much.

Way before when I was subscribed to a lot more blind YouTubers, I watched screen reader demos, and one of the things I tried to communicate to them was they had the speech at warp speed. I could understand it, but most people couldn't; some creaters' demos were aimed toward the sighted population but I really think part of a full screen reader experience is having it speak at a rate that most can understand.

Another common thing I saw was things were not being broken down into small and understandable steps, nor were they clearly explained. I saw this a lot too when I was working in AT--some fantastic teachers and presenters and a lot that were just... meh.

I use Alex too, and like you, I speed him up; otherwise he sounds like he's sleep deprived. ::LOL::

What braille display do you use, or do you have several? I have a Braille Edge. I'm grateful that I at least have a braille display, but when I got it, I really wanted a Baum Vario. Right around that time though, Baum went out of business. I'm pining for an Active now.

And if I had a bunch of extra money somehow, I wouldn't mind an Orbit. Ideally I'd love a display for work and one for leisure reading.


Hey! I wanted to thank you for clarifying everything! I am so happy that MacOS has the voiceover function. I added your video to my private playlist when I buy a macOS and then I will watch it to learn a little more.

For how many years I've been thinking about buying a macOS, and my family said that Apple's macOS didn't have the voiceover function, but I didn't think their answers were true. I mean, all macOS devices should have the voiceover function because it's Apple... so I ignored their false answers. 🤣

I have been an iOS voiceover user for 13 years due to my eye problems, I had surgery like over 6 times. Anyway, I started using this function when I was a high school student, my Braille teacher taught me about the voiceover function of iOS.

Again, thank you so much for making this video. This information was very useful. :)


This is undoubtedly one of the best tutorials with regards to the use of Apple Mac equipment that I found so thank you ever so much for producing some wonderful content. Great stuff keep it up.


Thank you so very much for these lessons. I am used to using a PC, but am brand new to the Mac. I find this very helpful. Thanks again and blessings on you.


Hi - I used this video as an introduction to VoiceOver, it was really useful. Thank you. Content doesn't just magically appear but I would watch more parts to this series!


This is a fantastic tutorial! I've struggled with screen readers that aren't VO on iOS since losing sight, and this is a great tutorial that doesn't rush things.
I'm really looking forward to more tutorials, hope those are on the way! I would really appreciate web content navigation!


Applevis never mentioned you :p I'm blind and fully preficient with VO on mac, but best intro for blind I've ever seen!!!


This is a fantastic start. There aren’t many resources for learning VO on Mac. I taught myself about 4 years ago. I look forward to additional lessons


Wow, thank you so much!! You have done an excellent job at explaining!!! I my self am a blind creator and will be purchasing my first MacBook so definitely needed this!!😁


Thank you so much for this tutorial! This is really very useful information for blind people like myself. Your video is laid out intelligently you speak clearly, and your Canadian accent is cute. keep those videos coming!


I’m starting to use voiceover on mac and IPhone thank you so much this is very helpful!


You did an outstanding job on this tutorial. Thank you so much for posting. Looking forward to future tutorials.


Thank you for this detailed explanation! I've been using VoiceOver at work for accessibility testing, and your video helped me get started.
An expected benefit: I use the Mac Rectangle app for snapping windows, and have always done it via Menu selection with mouse. Since Rectangle app uses similar keyboard shortcuts as VoiceOver, I've learned those too :)
