How to Fix Pepper Plants that are Weak, Yellow, Struggling: Water Soluble Nitrogen Works Every Time!

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Water soluble nitrogen will help your pepper plants and other struggling plants every time. Start with nitrogen first and then go to the fancy and more expensive fixes if needed. Nitrogen for the easy win every time.

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This is right on time; my peppers look weak. Thanks!


I really appreciate your philosophy on calling it "processed" and not "chemical". It makes so much more sense than what most people have been telling me, especially the "organic" gardeners.


fish fertilizer (Neptune's Harvest), high quality compost tea (Boogie Brew makes a bad ass kit) and water soluble trace minerals (sea90 or ocean solution). My Jalapenos and Serrano's were over 6 foot tall and put out a supermega harvest. The entire garden does bad ass with these ingredients.


"Let's give our scientists some credit." Hear, hear!
I really appreciate that you take the time to explain products like Miracle Gro, Gary, and allay unreasonable fears.

It's so easy to spend money on soil amendments, pest deterrents and mineral supplements! Thanks to your advice and example, the new gardener need not overspend and then end up discouraged.

You're doing God's work, dude!


I took a shot for everytime you said nitrogen and now my liver is dead 😂


Have to concur 100% with you. I live at 7700 feet high in the Rockies and my number 1 problem is not enough nitrogen. Most soil nitrogen is produced by soil bacteria, and if you have cold soil temperatures then the nitrogen fixing bacteria are not going to be doing their jobs like they should.


Thanks, Gary, for putting yourself out there and providing your POV on the use of processed fertlizers. Gardening can be expensive to do if you choose high priced organic fertilizers, and that should not be a turn off to new gardeners - having people judge you if you use non-organic fertilizers. Thanks for helping make gardening accessible to everyone.


This advice couldn't have come at a better time.


From one YouTube Gardener to Another, A BIG THANK YOU for posting this!!! Some videos have been coming up with, well let's just say not the right info. This will help SO MANY PEOPLE, Take Care 😊


I did this every 7 days for the past 2 weeks... they are looking great now! It works. Thanks.


You cracked me up when you said you don't need magical ingredients 😆. I always feel validated when I just did something and you make a video on it. Yesterday I spent a while giving the whole garden some fish emulsion. I realized that I hadn't done it in a month, so everyone got a nice drink.


Gary, you’re a Gardener after my heart ❤️. You always manage to post a video relating to a problem I’m having. Yes my peppers 🌶 are on the small side with yellowing leaves but thanks to you once I started feeding them fish emulsion they have greened up a d are looking healthy.


My pepper plants are amazing. I used the fish emulsion as you recommended, from the beginning. I have lots of peppers and beautiful green, strong plants.


My first time here! I like that you encourage others to do what they can afford! That is so priceless! Thanks for a great and well needed video! I had to subscribe.


My New Book: The Modern Homestead Garden: Growing Self-Sufficiency in Any Size Backyard.
You can find it at these different locations... Thanks 4 the Support!


Its almost like Gary is just sitting in our gardens and knows exactly what information to send us!!! I planted jalapenos LAST YEAR and for whatever reason they havent done ANYTHING. And in TEXAS no less! Id be shocked if i had any larger that a foot tall. Weak, barely any leaves, and yellowish at that. Well, i just completed my 4th week ( i know Gary said 3 ) of applying the Fish Emulsion once a OMG the are tall, and green and some are even baring fruit now. This was EXACTLY the advice i needed. Thanks Gary!


MG makes my garden thrive, use as directed.


Thank-you for pointing out that processed fertilizers are not “fake” or “man-made”. I get so tired of reading on gardening forums uninformed people ditching the processed stuff.


చాల బాగా చెప్పరు. నేను మీ జ్ఞానాన్ని గౌరవిస్తాను, మా తో పంచుకున్నందుకు ధన్యవాదాలు 🙏


I refer to you as “my garden guru”. Thanks for the videos and for letting us all know that it’s okay to garden our own way.

My peppers have been sad little things for about two weeks now but I think they may be coming around. I was concerned to keep doing things to them but I will continue with weekly feedings. Thanks again!
