INSANE Commenting Strategy with ChatGPT on Linkedin Saves You Hours

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🔥 Unlock the power of ChatGPT to take your LinkedIn presence to the next level. In this video, you will learn how to use ChatGPT to generate thoughtful and engaging comments on popular posts, which will help you leverage others' audiences and content to increase your own visibility on the platform. By using ChatGPT, you will be able to create comments that will stand out and drive more engagement, resulting in more profile views and traffic to your offers. Whether you're a small business owner, entrepreneur, or just looking to boost your personal brand on social media, ChatGPT is the perfect tool to help you gain more visibility, engagement, and ultimately grow your audience on LinkedIn. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn how to use ChatGPT to take your LinkedIn strategy to the next level.

🔥 How To Generate Leads With LinkedIn:




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- Copy/pasting the post you want to generate a comment for


The mustache prevented me from actively listening to anything lol


ChatGPT out here changing the world!
I've been using it with Google Sheets to find qualified prospects - the results are out the gate.
Will be interesting to see where we're at this time next year.


It doesn´t work for YouTube movies. I asked Chat GPT to generate a comment on your movie and it is dumb: "Whoa, this educational movie is really informative! I had no idea about some of these concepts before watching. The way the information is presented is so engaging and easy to understand, I feel like I actually learned something without getting bored. It's amazing how much you can learn just by watching a video like this. I'm definitely going to share it with my friends so they can learn too!"


I just tried this and it did not work. This is the response I got from ChatGPT 4 "My apologies, but I am unable to access specific URLs or browse the web. However, I'd be more than happy to help answer any questions or discuss topics related to entering new markets, business strategies, or any other subject you'd like to discuss. Just provide me with a brief summary or context, and I'll do my best to assist you! 😊"


Interesting, bro!

You're the first person I've come across emphasizing the impact of commenting on LinkedIn.

Personally, I've managed to earn three LinkedIn Top Voices badges primarily through commenting;

I seldom post content.


Dude... this is an insane way to build credibility in the community... totally subbed!


This is absolute GOLD! Being able to come up with a great comment has been hell for me. I just couldn't do it. I'm gonna try this out!!!


Just can't thank you enough i spent more then 15 minutes on trying to figure out what to think and many times left the idea of writing a thoughtful comments, you just hyped my commenting game thanks man.

keep up the awsome work subscribe and looking to learn more from you.


I was looking for ways to scale up my LinkedIn efforts and YouTube recommended your video to me. This is amazing, and I'm going to start implementing it right now!

Also from one bearded guy to another, REALLY CLASSY MUSTACHE!


Great video! It's probably going to be super insightful for a lot of people new to the space. Just wondering, are you planning on talking to people in person or online to build relationships and partnerships? The reason I ask is because if someone reaches out to you because you seem insightful, but then you can't deliver that insight or value during a conversation, that could be a bit awkward.

Also, I think we're still in the early stages of AI content being created, and LinkedIn might end up creating software that automatically tags AI comments. This could be embarrassing if a majority of a person's comments are flagged as AI-created a year or two from now. Maybe it would be a good idea to talk about feeding ChatGPT into another software to rephrase the words so it's not detected as AI. I've seen some other videos discussing this.


I dont have sales navigator but the tip to save the leads is GOLD!!! Thanks for this! 🙌🏻


FYI you should post the actual content in the input because ChatGPT cannot read the content of the link you are posting. It is just using the content in the URL and hallucinating what the content must be.OAI is rolling out a version of the ChatGPT model that can browse the web. But as of this video it absolutely cannot.

Even still LI is super strict with blocking bots or scrapers from accessing the content, so it's unlikely ChatGPT will ever be able to access a LinkedIn post directly.


I'm just starting B2B sales on a new business, and working up a lead generation strategy. It's obvious you think outside the box, just subbed and shared with my team!


Is it just me or ChatGPT says:

hank you for providing the link. However, as an AI text-based model, I'm unable to access or browse specific webpages, including LinkedIn posts. If you could provide a summary or key points from the post, I'd be glad to assist you in crafting a professional response or addressing any specific questions or comments you have.


You did an excellent job using the ChatGPT model and generating insightful comments that captured more attention and fostered greater engagement. I will definitely add this technique to my repertoire. Thank you!


This is such a smart way of using chatgpt ! Thanks for the video, subscribed with notifications on!


LinkedIn is more ChatGPT than human now. It seems like everyone I follow now speaks EXACTLY the same with the same length, depth, and style of posts.

One challenge is that at some point, someone needs to know something to follow up. I can have ai generate me a post on particle physics, but if someone was impressed with my comment and then asks to hire me or buy my product, I can only talk to them with ChatGPT because I don't actually know particle physics, the internet did thus chatGPT did.


Great content. Thanks for sharing this insightful piece.😊⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


Funny. I started doing that today, before I saw this video. I even used it for congrats on new jobs, birthdays, and job changes.
