Open Up Your Eyes MLP Movie [Sonic Prime AMV]

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I thought this song was perfect for Sonic & Nine just like Tempest & Twilight. Also cuz I was bored lol. I will hopefully have a video up for Valentines so stay tuned! And I might talk about some equestria girls stuff later on. Because what I found is very interesting.
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This actually fits nicely with Nine!😯👍I seen My little pony movie it’s so good.💖
Tempest and Nine are kind of the same with both having trouble with their pasts. There’s definitely the difference Nine never had friends but Tempest did but they drop her. However they both found friendship again. Twilight and the other mane 6 for Tempest and Sonic and the other Shatterverse for Nine.🙂
Amazing AMV!


I love tails and I was just listening to this song and I love tails as both a good guy and a bad guy like he was bullied as a child for his extra tail


I always think when Tempest sang this, she would have done an evil laugh at the end.


Nine was kidnaped to poor sonic, and surely sonic I can't be escaping with her power magic because I took her magic stealing on friends sonic or something... QnQ

Once Again, It's greatly as always ♡!


Nine makes a perfect Tempest, they’re both like the same character such as they both have sad yet painful backstories and kind of lost something deeply personal!


Oh love this song and it really suits up nine tails with it


I can relate to Tails I was bullied as a child and was not knowing what was right or wrong LIKE A TEACHER LOCKED ME IN A ROOM AS A CHILD 😭 then j was bullied last week. I now have lost a lot of trust in people and I have only a small group of friends (2) and I am now getting judged by my dad for having an emotional support stuffed animal! AMAZING BTW


Tempest survived alone
Nine survived alone



Nine: It's time you learned a lesson. It's time that you understand, don't ever count on anybody else
in this or any other land!

I once hoped for friendship to find a place among my kind but those were the childish wishes of someone who was blind!

Open up your eyes, see the world from where I stand!! Me, among the mighty! You, caged at my command!

Open up your eyes, give up your sweet fantasy land! It's time to grow up and get wise. Come now, little one, open up your eyes!!

We all start out the same with simple naive trust, shielded from the many ways that life's not fair or just, but then there comes a moment; a simple truth that you must face if you depend on others, you'll never find your place...


And as you take that first step upon a path that's all your own, you see it all so clearly the best way to survive is all alone!!

Open up your eyes, see the world from where I stand!! Me, among the mighty! You, caged at my command! Open up your eyes and behold the faded light! It's time to grow up and get wise. Come now, little one, open up your eyes. Open up your eyes!!!


Nine reminds me of Secret Histories Tails as both were alternate counterparts who were mistreated by the people around them (The Fox Bullies and Sonic) and chose a darker path through any universal means (Use the energy from the Paradox Prism to create a "perfect world" in The Grim and Destroy every single universe that "Sonic" exists in)


can the next video of sonic prime be crossing the line from rapunzel's tangled aventures with sonic as rapunzel and nine as cassandra please?


Прикольно у тебя получилось мне понравилось


I am going to make a movie of Sonic Prime and put nine kidnapped sonic songs and sing this song to him this summer ☀️ 😮‍💨 😌 👌 🙌 😍 😊🎉❤


Me encanto ¿la cancion del final como se llama?


I thought Tails and Sonic were friends!
