Zapp - Dance Floor (Long Version) (Slayd5000)

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Slayd5000 presents... Zapp - Dance Floor (Promo 12")
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In 1978 I was a little country-ass white boy who worked with a crew of black guys who 'adopted' me. We had an 8-track back then, and when this came out I must have heard a couple of thousand hours of this song. This is not including the hours have listened to it in recent years and wished I still worked at the car wash and wishing we all understood what it"s like to got along.


This song was released in early June of '82. An L.A. based station, KGFJ, threw a big skating party in Rowland Heights in July or August. The exciting part was the anticipation of that radio station coming to a semi-rural town at that time. They played this song several times but the highlight for me was when I first heard Do Wa Ditty. It was unlike anything I ever heard. I hadn't heard More Bounce or any other song with a pronounced bass. Imagine hearing it for the first time on big speakers in a skating rink while a popular DJ announced it. I remember seeing him as he announced that song and the loud bass introduction reverberated throughout the entire arena! Even though everyone was predominately black, there were very few Asians and everything else. No problems at all -- just skating joyfully to wonderful funk music that I think reached its peak by the summer of '83. Early 80s were indeed the last of the best years of music, dance and skating.


This song went #1 on the R&B a music video.


It's all about those thunderous real human hand claps!! Signature sound. My mom told me stories of 30 minutes of straight clapping in the studio. The many layers Roger used... How he compressed and panned them. Great stuff!


This was my theme song every morning in the Army when I was stationed at Fort McCoy, I would blast this to start the day off right.


I wore out the speakers in my Trans Am back in the day bumping this cut! Roger gone but not forgotten!❤️


Us old folks got it RIGHT 30-40 years ago----all you kids get up and DANCE to this MAGNIFICENT GROOVE !!!! Can u top it ? NO NO NO !!!


Roger Troutman - legend, genius - RESPECT IS DUE to this amazing maestro!!


Still at 48yrs old today,
This still blows my

Keep records like this spinning.
Next to being in front of the TV growing up, I'd stare in front of record players such as this, albeit mostly record changers before they went obsolete in the mid-80's.


This song should have a million hits and thumbs up, classic jam by one of the masters of funk, come on man!!!


I am 16 and I am deeply sadned by the fact that the music today is not going to be nearly as good as these amazing funky songs :(, "Can I see you move it on the dance floor baby, wanna see you dance, moving on the dance floor, ooo the way you move, you blow my mind girl"


I lived two blocks away from Roger's studio. Was pop locking to this back in the day..and at 55, still do! REAL FIRE!


2023 Still Here Doing It!! Heyyy!! 🔥🔥😘💋💃🏾🔥


Thanks for posting the long versions with a record spinning. This is how it was done, and these songs are life!


Whoever stood on the wall when this came on was plain crazy! This was and is and always be the best cut ever!!!! Anywhere anytime! Nonstop dancing thru and thru.


I'm a Pop Locking Roller Skating Fool when this comes on...Ah The Memories of Central Park NYC and Skate Key in da Boogie Down..🔥👏👍


It does something for me to see the album spinning on the turn table. It take me back to a time, places and people I wish were still around. I still have albums and several turn tables that I have hooked up to play my albums. Those was the best times of my life and I ain't gonna let it go. New age and technology although it has it place, the technology of yesterday worked just as well for me and I refuse 2 give that up. This song takes me back to the skating rink, oh how I loved that time


After youngsters watched Straight Outta Compton and heard More Bounce to the Ounce in one of the scenes... they be hearing me bump Dance Floor or Heart Breaker on my bluetooth when I'm strolling through my neighborhood, and ask me, is that by Zapp. They be 15 like I'm feeling their music and I'm going to check the rest out. Like the other day... this kid stopped me and asked what's the artist and name of the song that I was playing... I told him, Ooh Baby Baby by Roger. And said, I'm going to dedicate it to my girlfriend. I guess he was going through a breakup. I just feel good knowing some teenagers love music like Zapp and Roger.


Unapologetically AUTHENTIC. Now generations can join in. Music will NEVER give up🤟🌹⭐💥💯🦋


I saw Roger perform live in the 80`s amazing !!!
