How to Get Water Out of Your Mask Underwater - It Can be This Easy!

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How to clear a mask when scuba diving is for many new scuba divers the hardest diving skill to complete in their diving course. However, in many cases people overthink it and with some practice and a good diving instructor this skill is not so hard to master.

First of all I recommend you to not overthink the how to clear a scuba mask skill. In the end you breath into your mouth and out of your nose to clear it. But as soon as you start to overthink it, you start to worry. This leads to loss of confidence and when we loose confidence we have a tendency to shake, not think clearly and sometimes do the opposite of what we want to do. In this case we see new diving students breath into their nose instead of their mouth. If this happens you get water in your throat and that leads to panic.

So we learn that confidence is key in completing the mask clearing skill while scuba diving. In the PADI Open Water Diver Course you will be practicing how to clear your scuba mask many times to ensure mastery before getting your diving certification.

In the PADI Open Water course you will practice the mask skills first in confined shallow water. This makes it easy for you to stand up if somethings go wrong and it makes people relax knowing they can stand up if needed. In confined water you will practice in order: Partially Flooded Mask, Fully Flooded Mask, Mask Removal and Replacement, Mask Removal and Replacement breathing for 1 minute and No Mask Swim. Then on the open water dives you will repeat: Partially Flooded Mask, Fully Flooded Mask and Mask Removal and Replacement. All these mask skills need to be completed in a comfortable, fluid and most importantly repeatable manner to ensure completion of the course and achieving your PADI Certification.

#scubamask #scubadiving #marcelvandenberg
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Good Job For Demonstration Marcel 👏👏👏👏


I've been struggling with this, everytime my mask gets filled with water i just shake it out or get a cloth to dry it. But this was a lifesaver! Thank you!


Don’t look up first as water wil go in your nose


just need 1 hand to press on the top middle btw


How much does a dive master license cost?


Most basic way but if you push the bottom of your mask with your thumb while doing it it’s more effective


Hmm breathe in through your mouth underwater to clearn your mask. Never thought of that one before. Gonna try that next time and let yall know how it goes.


I still don’t get how we get out the water from the mask through nose when most of the water is in the mask not in the nose .. plus if you open a bit lower part of the mask the water shouldn’t fill mask even more ? 🫣
