Cat Mimics Friend's Post-Surgery Look

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The filmer says: " Meet Manin, our brave little boy cat who came into our lives under heartbreaking circumstances."

"Abandoned at just a few weeks old, he was found helpless by the side of the road."

"At that time, Nala had just lost her own kittens, and we felt a strong urge to save this tiny survivor."

"We brought Manin home, and Nala stepped in as a nurturing mother, providing him with the love and care he desperately needed."

"As Manin grew, we noticed a defect in his eye."

"After a visit to the vet, we learned it was a genetic condition called eye dystrophy."

"Despite our efforts with eye drops, his condition only worsened, causing discomfort and continuous discharge."

"After much consideration, we made the difficult decision to have the eye removed to relieve his suffering."

"When Manin returned home, something unexpected and heartwarming happened: Nala began to imitate him."

"With one eye closed, Nalas playful mimicry brought laughter and joy back into our home."

"This video captures that special moment, highlighting the unbreakable bond between these two cats and the resilience of love in the face of adversity."

Clip ID: 680282

Рекомендации по теме

Cats are never ordinary, they are special.


Qu est ce qu il est arrive a l œil gauche de ce malheureux chat, j espère qu il ne perdra pas sa vue, que Dieu le.protege.❤


Je rectifié, ils sont deux minoux a être hendicape, que Dieu, les proteges❤


У кота, который находится дальше виден разрез и синяк проступает, даже через шерсть видно.
