XCOM 2 Tips: Vipers Tactics Guide (How to Kill Vipers)

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Let's talk about how to kill vipers, what their abilities and strengths are, their weaknesses, and battlefield tactics for taking them down for good!

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XCOM 2: The Story So far - Earth has changed. Twenty years have passed since world leaders offered an unconditional surrender to alien forces. XCOM, the planet's last line of defense, was left decimated and scattered. Now, in XCOM 2, the aliens rule Earth, building shining cities that promise a brilliant future for humanity on the surface, while concealing a sinister agenda and eliminating all who dissent from their new order.

Only those who live at the edges of the world have a margin of freedom. Here, a force gathers once again to stand up for humanity. Always on the run, and facing impossible odds, the remnant XCOM forces must find a way to ignite a global resistance, and eliminate the alien threat once and for all.

Key Features:
• XCOM ON THE RUN: Take command of the Avenger, an alien supply craft converted to XCOM's mobile headquarters. New open-ended gameplay lets you decide where to guide your strike team, how to grow popular support, and when to combat enemy counter-operations.
• RECRUIT RESISTANCE FIGHTERS: Five soldier classes, each with its own skill tree, let you create specific soldiers for your tactical plan.
• TACTICAL GUERRILLA COMBAT: New gameplay systems offer more tactical flexibility in combat. Use concealment to ambush enemy patrols. Loot enemies for precious gear and artifacts. Rescue VIPs and save fallen comrades by carrying them to the extraction point.
• A NEW BREED OF ENEMY: A diverse cast of enemies from powerful new alien species to the ADVENT, enforcers of the alien regime, offer a distinct tactical challenge.
• RESEARCH, DEVELOP AND UPGRADE: Configure and build rooms on the Avenger to give XCOM new capabilities on the battlefield. Use your Scientists and Engineers to research, develop and upgrade weapons and armor to fit your preferred tactics.
• EACH MISSION IS A UNIQUE CHALLENGE: Go on missions around the world, from wildlands to the heart of the alien-controlled megacities, to the depths of alien installations. There are virtually infinite combinations of maps, missions and goals.
• CREATE CUSTOM MODS: Community-focused tools allow you to create your own campaign, tactical gameplay, aliens, classes, strategy game features, and share within the Steam Workshop.
• ENGAGE IN HEAD-TO-HEAD MULTIPLAYER: Mix-and-match squads of humans and aliens and battle head-to-head on randomly-generated maps.

According to Firaxis Statistics, Rangers have the most kills of any class. They are followed closely by sharpshooters while specialists were dead last.
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best Scenario possible is, when the Viper grabs your ranger with tongue gets bladestormed in the face and Triggers his untouchable skill


the rangers bladestorm is really effective too. especially late game.


More then 2 vipers means one thing to me: ALL IS LOST!!!


I just recently got into XCOM after years of being curious about it. At first, I was having a really hard time with it but after watching a bunch of your videos, I finally finished my first campaign today! So I guess what I'm trying to say is thank you! I may have ended up just quiting if it weren't for you.


The vipers in my game were scared of Ghaurav Pandey, the viper-suit wearingh Indian soldier.


I just mass deploy melee built rangers.
If they try to grapple one of the rangers, bladestorm will kick in.


You have an entire group of Colonels behind good cover.

Vipers come out and are surrounded by Mutons and a Sectopod.

About to use powerful area attack.

A Viper grabs one of your guys and pulls him in.



Just getting back into this game, my ranger is melee build with a hellweave vest. Even if bladestorm misses, the Viper gets 100% chance to be set on fire thus instantly releases every time.


Better question

How to befriend viper


A lot of damage could be repaired with flex seal


My favoured tactic is to flash bang them, that prevents both the tongue grab AND the poison shot while also reducing their accuracy, then its a simple matter of flanking them to reduce the chance of a dodge

This works for Long War as well, but as an addition, try to always have a concealed shinobi on a mission, the wealth of recon info they can provide is a GODSEND, and it's much easier to deal with any vipers when your planning out your moves so you only need to deal with ONE pod at a time, this makes target priority a lot easier, as it allows your 5-6 troopers, to focus on only 3-4 enemies (if your getting 100% infiltration) at any one time

Even if this means your shinobi ends up doing very little, or nothing at all in the way of actual fighting, their ability to remain concealed, even during a firefight, gives you an incredible advantage


Only if vipers were so friendly as artist fandom want them to be


a weapon with a stock will also get that snake off your soldier 100% of the time


bladestorm rangers also work, it's just like "congratulations, you just played yourself


If a viper tries to grab a mimic beacon he will miss guaranteed, food for thought


I declare this video a Blasphemy. No one shoudn't tell how to kill sneks.


Viper's grab does not end its turn if it misses, so it can still shoot, spit poison, or overwatch afterwards.

If you have 100% shot accuracy, dodging is disabled, so point-blank shotgun, ranger slash with blademaster, or certain high ground shots will ensure the viper doesn't dodge.

If you come across a pod with vipers and stun lancers, I would still take out the lancers first. Most likely the viper will grab and do 2 damage, rather than a lancer doing 5 or so plus potentially knocking your soldier unconscious.


Blade storm works great against them if you have alien hunters in the mission you encounter the viper king central comes along as a ranger with the blade master tree of abilities and the vipers make central a high value target (I just put him to far up ) that the vipers will most likely grab him and blade storm kicks in and central teaches them to not mess with rangers with blade storm


1 think i think is stupid is "why viper can't shoot while bound someone?" she has free hands.


This game is so fun. I just got on to playing if finally.

I’ve played the tabletop game “Infinity” by Corvus Beli and this game scratches that itch without the pain of miniature games!

Thanks for all the videos, man
