How the Apollo Spacecraft works: Part 2

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The journey to the moon and successful landing on the lunar surface. One of the astronauts stayed in orbit in the Command/Service Module (CSM) and the other two astronauts landed on the moon in the Lunar Module (LM).

This video has been dubbed in over 20 languages, you can change the audio track language in the Settings menu (click the gear icon in the lower right hand corner of the video).

00:00 - Intro & Recap
00:25 - Parking Orbit
00:53 - Translunar Injection
01:09 - LM Extraction
01:35 - Translunar Coast
02:36 - Lunar Orbit Insertion
03:08 - LM Separation
03:52 - Descent Orbit Insertion
04:06 - Powered Descent Initiation
04:42 - Touch Down
04:58 - Part 3

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For the curious minded:
-This video loosely details the first Apollo Moon landing (Apollo 11).
-The Apollo missions are the only missions to date that have sent humans beyond low earth orbit (hopefully SpaceX and NASA will change that soon!)
-After separation, the S-IVB (Saturn V 3rd stage) was directed into a solar orbit or intentionally smashed into the moon to measure seismic vibrations.
-The 'Free Return Trajectory' was actually used on Apollo 13 to get them back home safely.
-Lunar Orbit Insertion(LOI) had a second engine burn to adjust their orbit - this was not covered in the video.
-It took about 2 hours to orbit the moon, they were at a height of about 69 miles (110 km).
-On Apollo 11 they almost had to abort because they were almost out of fuel.
-The LM was immediately prepped for take off after landing on the moon. If anything went wrong (such as leaking fuel) they would have to attempt to take off ASAP.

I'm not entirely sure what color the flame on the LM descent engine really was...but blue made it look awesome! If anyone knows for sure - please let me know in the comments!

"Echinoderm Regeneration" by Jingle Punks (Youtube audio library)
"The Framework" by Jingle Punks (Youtube audio library)
"On the Tip" by Jingle Punks (Youtube audio library)
"The Story Unfolds" by Jingle Punks (Youtube audio library)


Made with Blender 2.76/2.77

#nasa #apollo #b3d
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It´s amazing how many talented people we have on the internet creating educational content. Thanks again!


Imagine being the one person to remain in the module while it orbits around the dark side of the moon..all by space. Thats scary.


It's April 2021 as I write this comment. You made this video 4 years ago and I've watched it several times. Actually, I've watched all 3 parts of this Apollo series several times. It never gets old. Jared Owens, you did such a good job on it! It's so simple, yet so educational and entertaining.


Thanks so much for making this. It's far better than nearly every explanatory programme on Apollo I've ever seen on television (and that's quite a lot). I appreciate you going to so much trouble with your modelling and research. I'll be sure to catch all your other videos now I've discovered this series. Thanks again.


These videos are excellent. It's such a shame Discovery & NatGeo are so focused on reality TV horseshit these days when they could be producing quality content like this. Good job.


This video finally gave me a clear idea of how the free-return trajectory works. The spacecraft was not accelerated to Earth escape velocity (as is often suggested), but was instead placed in a highly elliptical Earth orbit that intersects the Moon. By doing nothing, the Moon's gravity will swing the craft back toward the Earth. This is an elegant fail-safe that I'm sure the crew of Apollo XIII appreciated. Only minor course corrections are needed, and the main engine can remain shut off.


Hey Jared! Just wanna convey my gratitude. Your videos are helping me a lot in my school works, even after 7 years you posted it on YouTube. Explained in a simple language ❤❤❤


The slow roll was “rotisserie mode”, and, post 11, the S-IVB was used to make the. On ring for the seismometers on the surface.

I was 15 when 11 landed on the moon and I stayed up all night to watch both astronauts strolling on the moon; I am happy to have been around to listen and watch this live.


Very well done. I am 58, and it is hard to believe this was half a century ago.


The explanation achieved with those three videos is brilliantly simply.
With no doubt one of the biggest human adventure ever .Thanks for this work !  Well done


Lunar descent? More like “These videos are so much more than decent!” The quality of these animations is really mind-blowing.


I have watched these three videos at least 10 time's and I find something new every time.
I was in school during these missions and it was a very big deal when they happened but no one has ever broken it down the way you have.
A incredible video.
Thank you for putting it together.
I have to be honest even though I knew how the story ended I was in suspense watching your video because I didn't know how many things could have gone wrong during some very complex manovers.
Concidering that they were using technology from the 1960s.
Great job I really learned a lot watching your videos.


I stayed up all night to watch Neil and buzz make history, I was 20 years old and so glad I stayed awake to see history being made and I've always been amazed by the Saturn 5 rocket the power that it produced and 3 men sitting on top of it van Braun certainly knew how to build rockets and it was his goal to send men into orbit and then onto the moon and beyond he died about 6 years after the moon landing but left a legacy behind him


I was 8 when Apollo 11 landed on the moon. These videos are great, thank you making them!


Great videos! I'm 58 years old and I have learned a few things about the Apollo missions from your videos. I watched the Apollo 11 landing live! Keep up the good work! Cheers from Stephenville, Newfoundland, Canada.


dang, stayed in parking orbit for too long

got a ticket


I'm currently reading Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir and this video just helped me understand one of the reference for a maneuver.
Thank you for your work, it's incredibly detailed and beautiful.


If you read the book "Carrying the Fire" by Michael Collins, you learn that the passive thermal roll during the coast to and from the moon, was carried out in the vertical position and not in the horizontal alignment you might expect. It's a tiny detail most technical Apollo documentaries get wrong.


Even a layman can understand such complex topics in a simple manner. Thank you verymuch Jared for your great work.
