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Does a June release make sense for the Switch 2? Let's talk about it as well as even more accessories that have started popping up for the console.

Manga Channel: @ShonenSoup

Nate's podcast:
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Jan reveal & June release is the safest prediction. Tis possible a Feb reveal could happen, but I really doubt it would be released later than June.


I mean, starting January 1st there is technically a 33.34% chance it get's revealed that month. So I feel like it could defiantly happen. I personally cant wait to see what colour the game cases are going to be lol.


It doesn’t matter when they release the switch 2 it will sell so even if they wait until June it won’t affect them negatively


I could see the following, if everything Nate the Hate says is accurate-

-January reveal, 3 minute trailer or what you suggested with a more substantial overview about 10 minutes
-February is a Switch 1 focused Direct, but has a Switch 2 game or two. They’ve had “focused” console Directs in the past with other games featured, after all. Not much beyond like, the launch titles for the console like 3D Mario and a casual focused multiplayer game like Nintendo Land or 1 2 Switch.
-May is an event for press to try Switch 2 games ahead of time/has more reveals for some more titles, like promises of a Zelda being in the works/new 3D Kirby/maybe a DK game (he said, huffing that copium)
-June release

Of course, this is just one idea based on a rumor. It could be January is a 3 minute trailer with May being the full reveal with games, and we don’t get 3D Mario until like, September/October and we have some multiplayer game and like, they have some surprise new IP prepped for the launch. I dunno, anything could happen, I’m just following the rumor for my speculation above.


June makes a ton of sense if you dont think about launch months historically

Nintendo is under a new CEO and the gaming landscape has changed drastically since even 2017


We just need to see this damn console 🤣


Sounds pretty sound lol... but in all reality I can see a January reveal in which we see the new hardware for the first time and it's hook and capabilities, as well as GAMES... I can see Metroid Prime 4 being shown running on the system similar to how BOTW was in the Switch reveal, confirming that it would be coming to Switch as a cross-gen release... I can also see Elden Ring being in the reveal as sort of a contrast to Skyrim in the Switch reveal as well... and even a glimpse of the next big 3D Mario game... and then Nintendo can later show off more of 3D Mario in March during Mario day & the Super Mario Bros 40th anniversary... and that still leaves 2, potentially 3 months if it's a late June launch to continue to market 3D Mario right up until it's release...


I'm excited for Switch 2 I think it might come during the summer but the games I'm excited about for this new console are 3D Mario, Mario Kart 9 or X, the sequel to Kirby and the Forgotten Land, the faked leaked new 2D Kirby Game Kirby and the Celestial Stars, Luigi's Mansion 4, a new 2D or 3D Donkey Kong, Splatoon 4, a new Star Fox, a new Punch-Out, a new Super Smash Bros, and GameCube Games being on Switch 2 Online. Okay, now I'm kinda nervous about February's Nintendo Direct next year. Because I still hope we get Tomodachi Life if that game is still gonna be on Switch or if it's gonna move to Switch 2 we'll see. But I'm now concerned about Kirby Planet Robobot coming to Switch. Because why would you skip Kirby Triple Deluxe? Cause I mean Kirby Planet Robobot is fun with the Robobot Armor Suit and also having Susie as a new Female Kirby Character, as well as an ally to Kirby in Star Allies. But Triple Deluxe, had like a new ability which is Hypernova, where Kirby can inhale a lot of big things in his path that get in his way so I just hope in the Direct they can do a two-pack collection for Triple Deluxe and Planet Robobot and then we would have all the Modern Kirby Games in one console. That would be a good idea to do for both of those 3DS Kirby Games. But I guess we'll see what happens when it gets to the February Direct next year. But I am excited for Switch 2 and the February Direct so I am so hyped for this. And again for Susie's Post-Game they should have Susie find Kirby's Robobot Armor Suit and bring it back to Kirby after the events with Star Dream like that would be cool for Susie's post-game.


Jan-feb reveal and March-April release is my guess. Nintendo likes to reveal games and consoles very close to release dates.


I think regardless of what leakers are saying, the Switch 2 is coming out in the first half of 2025


Summer makes sense to me only because kids are out of school for summer then and families maybe have more time to spend together?


If the Switch 2 is revealed in January with a June release, I think it will go one of these ways:
January Switch 2 reveal trailer > February Switch 2 Presentation > June Switch 2 release
January Switch 2 reveal trailer > February Switch 1 Partner Showcase > March Switch 2 Presentation > June Switch 2 release
January Switch 2 Presentation > February Switch 1 Partner Showcase > June Switch 2 release


Revealed in Christmas or New Years Day.


june sounds more believeable then March if it's getting announced in January, but it's more likely gonna be late april or may seeing how mass production started at least a couple months ago and there are supposedly switch 2s ready for shipping to stores. besides the launch titles need some marketing


I’d say everything except for the June release is accurate, I’m pretty sure at that point they would just release it in November at that point. (or at least a chain reaction of internal delays leading to November) It could also be revealed in February to avoid there being too much time between reveal and getting more information about the system.


oh look it's this video for the time. i'm done.


I'm sorry, but I don't really know if I buy June or July for the release period of Switch 2. Not only due to how its not something we see very often with Nintendo, but because of how those months feel like they have too much else going on. June is that "E3" time period. Where companies like to drop big reveals that could distract away from the hype and information cycle that Nintendo loves to control. So I'd sooner believe that the launch would be Fall or even Winter 2025. But as you say in the video, a lot of stuff DOES line up well for first half of 2025, so... who really knows? No one but Nintendo clearly lol.


If the super switch is launching at the summer season, then MP4 will be a launch title before a newer 3D Mario game.


What if they don't announce anything next year


you not gonna talk about how zengrip leaked a whole full image of the nintendo switch 2, its very blurry but its definitely the console. Around the clock made a video about it.
