Tchaikovsky Polina's Romance from 'Queen of Spades' [RUSSIAN DICTION GUIDE]

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#dictiontutorial #scoreanimation #pronunciationvideo
P.I.Tchaikovsky Polina’s Romance (Pauline's Romance) "Da, vspomnila. Podrugi milyye…" from "The Queen of Spades" ("Pique Dame")
Diction video guide with IPA phonetics and word-by-word translation
Russian diction tutorial, Pronunciation video with score animation (audio + sheet music + diction)
💙 📖 🎧 🎹 💙
You can purchase the DICTION SCORES and audio diction guides at our web site:
DICTION SCORE (sheet music with IPA phonetics, word-by-word translation and grammatically correct translations)
FULL SONG PACK that includes Diction score, Diction audio guide, Music coaching audio guide (Voice line + piano line), Rehearsal backing track (Piano line only)
❤ We put our heart, soul, and every free minute of our time into this project. ❤
Thank you! ❤🤗
Here you can find recordings of this song by:
Irina Arkhipova
Elena Obraztsova
Olga Borodina
Lyudmila Shemchuk
Nadezhda Obukhova
Recordings of the full opera are available here:
Mariinsky Theatre (2015)
Film-opera (1960)
The Bolshoi Theatre (1982)
#dictionforsingers #russianlyricdiction #russianphonetics #russianartsong #russianopera #tchaikovsky #dictionvideo #russianforsingers #pronunciationvideo #classicalsingers #operaworkshop #operamasterclass #dictiontutorial #russiandictiontutorial #queenofspades #piquedame #mezzosopramnoaria
P.I.Tchaikovsky Polina’s Romance (Pauline's Romance) "Da, vspomnila. Podrugi milyye…" from "The Queen of Spades" ("Pique Dame")
Diction video guide with IPA phonetics and word-by-word translation
Russian diction tutorial, Pronunciation video with score animation (audio + sheet music + diction)
💙 📖 🎧 🎹 💙
You can purchase the DICTION SCORES and audio diction guides at our web site:
DICTION SCORE (sheet music with IPA phonetics, word-by-word translation and grammatically correct translations)
FULL SONG PACK that includes Diction score, Diction audio guide, Music coaching audio guide (Voice line + piano line), Rehearsal backing track (Piano line only)
❤ We put our heart, soul, and every free minute of our time into this project. ❤
Thank you! ❤🤗
Here you can find recordings of this song by:
Irina Arkhipova
Elena Obraztsova
Olga Borodina
Lyudmila Shemchuk
Nadezhda Obukhova
Recordings of the full opera are available here:
Mariinsky Theatre (2015)
Film-opera (1960)
The Bolshoi Theatre (1982)
#dictionforsingers #russianlyricdiction #russianphonetics #russianartsong #russianopera #tchaikovsky #dictionvideo #russianforsingers #pronunciationvideo #classicalsingers #operaworkshop #operamasterclass #dictiontutorial #russiandictiontutorial #queenofspades #piquedame #mezzosopramnoaria