Carol Ruiz plays M.Blancafort at Radio 4
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This is a fragment from my live performance at KRO Radio 4 on January 2021 where I played music from my second Album “Mompou and more” with music by Catalan composers. This piece is called “l’orgue dels cavallets”(the carrousel orgel).
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Carol Ruiz plays M.Blancafort at Radio 4
Nocturno n1, M. Blancafort by Carol Ruiz
Absencia, M. Blancafort (trailer), by Carol Ruiz
Mompou & More / Carol Ruiz / Sant Pere de Ribes 2022
Invocation: Ode aan Amy Beach by Eudora Quartet and Carol Ruiz
Nocturne no.1 op.9, F. Chopin by Carol Ruiz
Carol Ruiz at Radio Catalunya Musica (rapportage )
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Invocation: Ode aan Amy Beach, live in Den Haag
Nocturno, Manuel de Falla
Allegro de Concierto
Pieces breus, J.Serra by Carol Ruiz
Carol Ruiz - Nocturne n4, Gabrielle Faure
Scenes d'enfants, F. Mompou by Carol Ruiz
Mac McClure performs Polka del equilibrista by Manel Blancafort
kerstconcert Carol Ruiz 19 dec 2021
Nocturne No. 2. Mosso, sempre rubatissimo: Nocturne No. 2: Mosso, sempre rubatissimo
'Romança' by Manuel Blancafort
Blancafort, Nocturno nº 4
Manuel Blancafort: Dues peces petites per a mans menudes- Nexus Piano Duo
Tertúlia Concert dialeg Mompou Blancafort
Cançó by Manel Blancafort performed by Rosa Mateu and Mac McClure