What is Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy? - SLUCare Radiation Oncology

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#cancertreatment #sbrt #radiationoncology

To schedule an appointment with a SLUCare physician, please call (314) 977-4440.

SLUCare Physician Group is a patient-centered network of more than 500 health care providers on staff at Saint Louis University School of Medicine. As part of an academic medical practice, SLUCare physicians are experts in their respective fields, providing specialty care for even the most complex medical conditions. SLUCare physicians practice in 47 different hospitals and clinics throughout the St. Louis region, making high-quality, advanced care convenient for you and your family.
Рекомендации по теме

Can you do a video on SBRT on prostate?


Can it be done to thyroid papillary cancer without removing the whole thyroid gland from the body?


I chose this route for Gleason 3+4 prostate cancer. While the machine looks intimidating the processes very fast maybe five minutes, and you feel absolutely nothing. There is preparatory outpatient surgery. If you wanna call it surgery. One was for the prostate biopsy the second was for the space or and the Duke markersbut you come out of that. Just fine. You feel nothing. I was under anesthesia.


Is SBRT focal? All possible Side effects short and long term? This is his report of his MRI.

Prostate gland measures 6.6, 5.5, 4.4 centimeters on CC, TR and AP dimensions respectively with
estimated volume of 84 cc and PSA density of 0.063 ng/ml/cm3.
9.5 mm ill-defined nodule with obscured margins are noted within posterior medial aspect of left
peripheral zone at mid gland which show mild hypointense signal on ADC and mild hyperintense signal
on high B value DWI sequences likely representing PI-RADS 2/3 lesion. No other peripheral zone lesion
is noted. PSA is 4.86.


I can this done at queen Elizabeth hospital Birmingham.uk.radiolgy team where exalleant
