Gta V FiveM Esx Ocean Salvage Job and Esx Diving

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[Release] Esx_Ocean Salvage Job
Esx Diving
[Release] AnchorBoat V1.3
If you need FiveM Gameserver with one click installation check this:
Interesting Job/script with nice underwater locations. I will suggest to use script to anchor the boat or you will swim a lot ;)
INSERT INTO `shops` (store, item, price) VALUES
('LTDgasoline', 'plongee1', 450),
('RobsLiquor', 'plongee1', 450),
('TwentyFourSeven', 'plongee1', 450),
('LTDgasoline', 'plongee2', 750),
('RobsLiquor', 'plongee2', 750),
('TwentyFourSeven', 'plongee2', 750);
["[Button you want]"] = 344 to local Keys = { on the top of the script
and change line 461
What is FiveM?
Players who jump into one of the user-created RP servers becomes even more immersed in the game – as they take on the form of a Roleplay Character, which can be customized in a number of different ways.
FiveM supports the general purpose programming language Lua as one of its scripting languages.
#fivem #rpscripts #free #gtav
Wenn ihr ein Gameserver mit schneller FiveM Installation braucht, könnt hier reinschauen:
Interessantes Script. Ich würde vorschlagen Ankerskript zu nutzen, sonst muss man relativ viel hinter dem Boat hinterher schwimmen ;)
INSERT INTO `shops` (store, item, price) VALUES
('LTDgasoline', 'plongee1', 450),
('RobsLiquor', 'plongee1', 450),
('TwentyFourSeven', 'plongee1', 450),
('LTDgasoline', 'plongee2', 750),
('RobsLiquor', 'plongee2', 750),
('TwentyFourSeven', 'plongee2', 750);
["[Taste zum aktivieren]"] = 344 zu local Keys = { oben im Script hinzufügen
und die zeile 461 anpassen
What is FiveM?
Players who jump into one of the user-created RP servers becomes even more immersed in the game – as they take on the form of a Roleplay Character, which can be customized in a number of different ways.
FiveM supports the general purpose programming language Lua as one of its scripting languages.
Esx Diving
[Release] AnchorBoat V1.3
If you need FiveM Gameserver with one click installation check this:
Interesting Job/script with nice underwater locations. I will suggest to use script to anchor the boat or you will swim a lot ;)
INSERT INTO `shops` (store, item, price) VALUES
('LTDgasoline', 'plongee1', 450),
('RobsLiquor', 'plongee1', 450),
('TwentyFourSeven', 'plongee1', 450),
('LTDgasoline', 'plongee2', 750),
('RobsLiquor', 'plongee2', 750),
('TwentyFourSeven', 'plongee2', 750);
["[Button you want]"] = 344 to local Keys = { on the top of the script
and change line 461
What is FiveM?
Players who jump into one of the user-created RP servers becomes even more immersed in the game – as they take on the form of a Roleplay Character, which can be customized in a number of different ways.
FiveM supports the general purpose programming language Lua as one of its scripting languages.
#fivem #rpscripts #free #gtav
Wenn ihr ein Gameserver mit schneller FiveM Installation braucht, könnt hier reinschauen:
Interessantes Script. Ich würde vorschlagen Ankerskript zu nutzen, sonst muss man relativ viel hinter dem Boat hinterher schwimmen ;)
INSERT INTO `shops` (store, item, price) VALUES
('LTDgasoline', 'plongee1', 450),
('RobsLiquor', 'plongee1', 450),
('TwentyFourSeven', 'plongee1', 450),
('LTDgasoline', 'plongee2', 750),
('RobsLiquor', 'plongee2', 750),
('TwentyFourSeven', 'plongee2', 750);
["[Taste zum aktivieren]"] = 344 zu local Keys = { oben im Script hinzufügen
und die zeile 461 anpassen
What is FiveM?
Players who jump into one of the user-created RP servers becomes even more immersed in the game – as they take on the form of a Roleplay Character, which can be customized in a number of different ways.
FiveM supports the general purpose programming language Lua as one of its scripting languages.