Click PLC Start Stop One Input

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Click PLC Start Stop One Input
This circuit is the safest way to start and stop a physical output using just one input.
You can use a standard flip-flop circuit if this is internal and not a physical output. Links are provided in the description below.
An on-delay timer will start the output. The operator will press and hold the input to start (turn on) the output.
The leading edge of the input signal is detected, and an internal bit is set for one PLC scan. This will stop the output.
The timer done bit will start the output, and the output will seal in the timer done a bit, making the output stay on.
The normally closed one-shot internal bit will stop the output.

PLC Ladder Logic Flip Flop Circuit

Download this Click PLC Sample program:

Programming and examples of the Click and Click PLUS PLC series can be found at this URL:

General information on the Click series of controllers:

System configuration tools will also calculate the power budget, I/O count, and price.
Click PLUS PLC Configuration:
Click PLC Configuration:

We are using the Click and Click PLUS PLCs for several reasons. Here are just a few.
- Investment is low for the hardware, and the software is free
- Standalone PLC with built-in I/O
- Communication ability - Ethernet Port, RS232, RS485 - support for protocols such as Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, etc.
- Ability to directly expand the system with various modules, including RTD and Thermocouple inputs.

ACC Automation
Рекомендации по теме

Programming and examples of the Click and Click PLUS PLC series can be found at this URL:

Download this Click PLC Sample program:

We are using the Click and Click PLUS PLCs for several reasons. Here are just a few.

- Investment is low for the hardware, and the software is free
- Standalone PLC with built-in I/O
- Communication ability - Ethernet Port, RS232, RS485 - support for protocols such as Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, etc.
- Ability to directly expand the system with various modules, including RTD and Thermocouple inputs.

ACC Automation


Como puedo gusrdar el tiempo que a contado el timer si cuando se desenergisa se resetea en la memoria que lo guardo
